Page 37 - NCISS Your Advocate August 2019
P. 37


                                   NCISS KEEPING YOU IN BUSINESS!

        •  Did you know your NCISS dues covers our legislative advocate in Washington DC, operations costs and benefits?

        •  Did you know your donations to the NCISS Legislative Fund help increase our ability to act on behalf of every
            member and our investigative and security professions in every state and nationwide?

                              Please consider donating to the NCISS Legislative Fund!

        I want to support the association’s good work. Please accept my donation to the Legislation Fund of
        _____$25 _____$50 _____$75 _____$100 _____$200 _____$300 _____$500      Other Amount $__________

        The Legislation Fund is used for Lobbying Expenses.

                              NCISS CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM
                     Member Name:

                     Credit Card No.:

                     Credit Card:                 CVV No.        Expiration:         Billing ZIP:
                     VISA   MC   Amex

                     LEGISLATIVE DONATION: __________

                     AMOUNT TO CHARGE: _______________

                                      Please consider a donation of $5 to offset credit card processing fees

                                 Please Email to or fax to (970) 480-7794
                                 or Mail Check to:  NCISS, P.O. Box 200615, Evans, CO. 80620-0615

        NCISS must have financial reserves available for any unexpected actions for regulations or legislation in which our
        investigative and security professions can support or immediately act to make dangerous regulations and legislation
        more favorable and less detrimental.

                           EVERY DONATION WILL BE NEEDED IN 2019!
           Thank you for your membership and support of NCISS and our Investigative and Security professions!
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