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                                    Revised and Approved on October 11, 2023 (page 4 of 12)Section 4.04 Refunds.No member whose membership terminates for any reason shall be entitled to a refund of dues already paid.ARTICLE V %u2013 MEETINGS OF MEMBERS AND VOTINGSection 5.01 Annual Meeting.The Annual Meeting of the Council shall be held at such place and on such dates as may be determined by the Board.Section 5.02 Special Meetings.Special meetings of the Council may be called by a majority of the Board of Directors at any time; or shall be called by the President upon receipt of a written request by twenty-five percent (25%) of the voting members, within thirty (30) days after the filing of such request with the Executive Director or other designated person. The business to be transacted at any special meeting shall be stated in the notice thereof, and no other business may be conducted at that meeting.Section 5.03 Notice of Meetings.Written notice of the place, date and hour of any meeting of the Council shall be mailed or emailed to the last known address of each member not less than 30 days before the date of meeting.Section 5.04 Voting.There shall be no proxy voting.Section 5.05 Voting by Mail.Proposals to be offered to the members for a mail vote, excepting election ballots, shall first be approved by the Board of Directors unless the proposal is endorsed by twenty-five percent (25%) of voting members, in which case Board approval shall not be necessary. On any mail vote, no less than twenty percent (20%) of all voting members shall cast a ballot to constitute a valid action and a majority of those voting shall determine the action.Section 5.06Quorum of Members.At an annual or special meeting of members, a quorum shall consist of no less than 15 members eligible to vote.Section 5.07 Cancellation of Meetings.For good cause, the Board of Directors, by a vote of 75% of the entire Board, may postpone any annual meeting, or postpone or cancel any special meeting except that a special meeting called upon receipt of written membership request, as provided for in Section 5.02 of this Article, may not be canceled by the Board, and may be postponed by the Board only for extraordinary reasons. The membership shall be notified by the most expeditious means possible of any cancellation or postponement of a Council meeting.Section 5.08Rules of Order.The meetings and proceedings of this Council shall be regulated and controlled according to Robert%u2019s Rules of Order Revised for parliamentary procedures, except as may be otherwise provided by these Bylaws.ARTICLE VI %u2013 OFFICERS
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