Page 14 - ISSUE 20
P. 14
‘Center Of Eternity’ because it
was a song we all liked since
we were kids and it fitted best
with our sound. The response
of the fans was overwhelming,
we got hundreds of mails from
fans all over the world telling
that they liked our cover and
would love to see us perform-
ing live at their town.
Rocknation: Any funny stories
or encounters you had before
or after performing at shows
you can tell us about?
W.A.N.T.E.D.: It was one of
our first gigs back in 2002. We
were on a D.I.Y. production of
a show in a small theater on a
very old building. The venue
was on the first floor and even
if everybody else thought it
would be a quiet show we
loaded the stage with tons of
backline and thousands of
watts. People started com-
ing pretty early and the owner
of the theater was more than
Rocknation: You live in Thessaloniki, Greece. What is the happy to see the place getting filled, until the time that it
music scene like there? was getting out of control. The small place was now fully
W.A.N.T.E.D.: You would probably be surprised by the action packed and the owner was running back n forth trying to
around here these days. There are so many young kids form- stop us from letting anyone else get in. With the first notes
ing bands and playing different kinds of music with a lot of heard from the P.A. the crowd went crazy and the floor
skill I might say. Of course Thessaloniki has always been a started shaking. He panicked even more and he ran to our
city of inspiration and a big influence for artists of the Medi- manager screaming to do something to calm the crowd.
terranean sea. If we talk about Thessaloniki’s music scene But the manager was already drunk and he didn’t give
in general, we would end up that the greek oriental folk-pop us any kind of notice. This kept going on until the encore
prevails , but talking about rock more specifically there is song which happened to be Van Halen’s “Jump”. You can
an interesting movement of both cover bands and bands imagine the poor guy’s face when everybody was jumping
that perform their originals. The sad thing is that there is not at the same time on that old and weak piece of structure
much of support in this genre other than the bands and the under their feet. He finally climbed the stage and ran into
musicians themselves. The rock audience is limited and the our faces screaming in agony, but we on the other hand
venues that can host these kinds of gigs are not many either. thought he was excited with the song and wanted to jump
Rocknation: Please name some bands you have appeared with us, so we grabbed and raised him jumping until the
with in Greece. end of the show when he fainted. Poor guy…
W.A.N.T.E.D.: Steven Adler’s Appetite, Paul Di’Anno, Dokken, Rocknation: What is some of the music you listen to now?
Star Star, Firewind, Bonfire, White Lion and Whitesnake. W.A.N.T.E.D.: Well, we’ve been listening to a web radio sta-
Rocknation: Please name of influences of other bands that tion this whole time this interview is taking place and it’s
help create your music. been pretty awesome!
W.A.N.T.E.D.: Music is a long journey and we are still travel- Rocknation: What plans do you have for 2013?
ing on after 12 years. We’ve been influenced by lots of differ- W.A.N.T.E.D.: For the rest of 2013 our main goal is to
ent bands and artists from many different styles and genres. present and promote our new album to the audience. We
We could name a few that really live in the DNA of our band already have a pretty full schedule with lots of interviews,
such as the classics Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Whitesnake, radio shows, TV appearances and gigs followed by sev-
Aerosmith, Van Halen, Ozzy Osbourne, Guns ‘n Roses, Kiss, eral video clip shootings. We are gonna be touring around
and more recent era Gotthard, Nickelback, Buckcherry, Greece and the near countries this winter and a European
Rammstein and Marilyn Manson. tour is being planned as we speak for the spring of 2014.
Rocknation: Your band took part in the tribute album “No So as you see we’ve got a lot to do.
More Tears: A Millennium Tribute To Ozzy Osbourne” cover- Rocknation: Thank you for taking time for this interview
ing Ozzy’s “Center Of Eternity”. Please tell us about how that and last words to the fans?
came about and what response you have seen from fans. W.A.N.T.E.D.: Thank you very much too! As for the fans…
W.A.N.T.E.D.: We would be composing the songs for the al- This is our brand-new and most smashing piece of work of
bum by that time when we read an announcement on the web all time, from the moment we sat down to make these ba-
about that new tribute album and as big fans of the Prince of bies we knew it would be a blast and now that the time has
Darkness we rushed in to see what was this all about. After come we are more than excited to share this rock ‘n roll
sending some demo tapes to the record label we got a very madness with you. Take some time to feel what the ‘Meat
enthusiastic answer and so we were in. We chose to cover ‘N Greed’ is all about…