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PAGE 10                                                                                                            ROCKNATION ISSUE 10
                                                                                                             do it. I find my guitar in my lap more of-
                                                                                                             ten now. I am not a student type guitar
                                                                                                             player, I play with more feel than a lot
                                                                                                             of the crazier stuff. I will be pushing the
                                                                                                             limits a little more with the next record
                                                                                                             Rocknation: Who are you endorsed
                                                                                                             C.J.: I am endorsed by Custom amps
                                                                         acoustic album?                     and I will be going through B.C. Rich in
                                                                         C.J.: I think it would be fun to do be-  the near future.
                                                                         cause we have performed that way on   Rocknation: So what are the future
                                                                         radio shows and we are confident that   plans for Drowning Pool?
                                                                         we can pull it off.                 C.J. : We want to go to Australia and
                                                                         Rocknation: The cover is interesting.   do some American touring but I really
                                                                         I would not expect this from you, who   want a new record out sooner than we
                                                                         did the art?                        have been doing it.
                                                                         C.J.: The art was done by Paul Brown.   Drowning Pool are back and in your
                                                                         He has done stuff for Manson and he   face, do not avoid the musical force
   Interview by Jeffrey Easton                                           is my favorite artist. Allen        that they have unleashed on you.
                                                                         Kovac asked me if I had
  Drowning Pool have been through     C.J.: We did something on this al-  a dream artist to do the
  hell and high water but they are    bum that I want to do in the future.   album and I said Paul
  survivors. After securing the right   We wrote a few songs, went out on   Brown. We wanted an old
  singer they have come up with their  the road and tested them and did the   school meets new school,
  best offering yet in the form of Full   same thing on the next set. We pushed  something freaky but
  Circle. C.J. Pierce, their aggres-  ourselves to see how much heavier we   not to freaky. I think with
  sive mastermind, took the time to   could go or how much lighter we can   each record we are trying
  fill Rocknation in on what is going   go.                              something different.
  down with Drowning Pool.            Rocknation: One thing I noticed about   Rocknation: You covered
                                      the album is that the production is   Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell.”
  Rocknation: Drowning Pool recently   dark. Why did you go in that direction?  Why did you choose to
  did Rock on The Range. How did that   C.J.: The darkness comes from the   do this?
  go?                                 mixing. We wanted to give it an 80’s   C.J.: We were talking
  C.J. Pierce: It was an awesome time,   vibe production wise.  We wanted   about doing a cover and
  this whole year has been good for us.  an old school production vibe. If that   with “Rebel Yell” people
  Rocknation: Why do you think festivals  makes sense.                   just sing along to it. We
  like that only happen in the Midwest?  Rocknation: It has that feel and the   had a dark album and we
  C.J.: I have no idea why. We need   song “Paralyzed” has an early 90’s feel   did this to add contrast
  more things like that in the U.S. That is  as well.                    to the album. We play it
  what is so great about Europe in that   C.J.: Musically you want to bring   about 5 steps lower so it
  they have so many festivals to go to.   something to the table and I do not   is much heavier.
  Rocknation: How did you get involved  want to date the music but that is what   Rocknation: Where do
  with Rock On The Range?             we wanted.                         you think your playing is
  C.J.: We are the band that wants to be  Rocknation: What inspired the writing   right now?
  every all the time so we really pushed  for Full Circle?               C.J.: With me the more
  to be on this festival so the guys at   C.J.: We found a new singer, went to   I do it the more I want to
  10th Street made it happen for us.   Iraq and vis-
  Rocknation: To catch people up with   ited the troops,
  you guys, what happened to Jason?   parted ways with
  C.J.: He had a great voice and it   our label Wind
  worked with our record but it is differ-  Up, found new
  ent when you get on the road. The real  management,
  personalities came out and you have   so many things
  to get along if you are going to make it  in our lives that
  work. We knew Ryan McCombs (new     found their way
  singer) since we started so we stayed  onto this album.
  in touch with him and did shows with   Rocknation: What
  him when he was in Soil. He has a   did you bring to
  distinct voice that I think works great   this album?
  with our sound.                     C.J.: I brought an
  Rocknation: He does have a distinct   acoustic onto this
  voice but he also harkens back to the   album. I have not
  likes of Layne Staley in some respects.  played on it in a
  C.J.: He has that vibe to him.      while and there
  Rocknation: How did you get him in the  are some songs
  band?                               where it is in the
  C.J.: We knew we were done with     background. I
  Jason when we were done touring so   would love to do
  we found Ryan and he was ready to   an acoustic al-
  get back into singing and he has been  bum in the future.
  here ever since.                    Rocknation: How
  Rocknation: There are a lot of textures  do you think
  to this disc, Full Circle. What went into  your fans would
  writing it?                         respond to an all
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