Page 4 - ISSUE 21
P. 4
ROCKNATION: Please name of influences of other bands that help just excellent. From
create your music. new bands... I can’t re-
Scream Maker: Hard task because it’s difficult to tell exactly what ally tell, they all sound
part of music you listen to have an impact on what you compose. so modern and digital
So in result you can hear various inspirations in only one song. to me. I like listen to
What’s more, everyone hears different thing. So our guitarist can some piano music.
say that because he loves Judas Priest he is influenced by them. In Poland there’s a
Ok. Maybe true. But the fans could say: Hey! This riff sounds like genius pianist Leszek
Iron Maiden! So maybe it’s better to ask what music we listen to, Możdżer, I strongly
because probably even Bjork could have some impact on our recommend his music.
music. Really, I love some Bjork’s albums. Michał Wrona, our lead ROCKNATION: What
guitarist and main composer, loves Judas Priest and Iron Maiden plans do you have for
but he also loves Abba or – don’t laugh - good German pop. What 2013?
we discovered is that in modern heavy/power metal the songs Scream Maker: There
have melodies that could be used with a good result in pop pro- are many plans but
ductions. which one will become
ROCKNATION: Any funny stories or encounters you had before or reality? We want widely
after performing at shows you can tell us about? promote “Livin’ in the Past”, organize some European Tour and
Scream Maker: There were so many funny stories that it’s so hard go to play some shows in China, we already found promotor
to pick only one... So once we were playing in Latvia in a city there. Live shows are what we love and the more of, the better.
called Yelgava and after the show we spent a night in something We would like to perform on Polish Woodstock Festival. It is the
that was kind of a dorm for high school students. Very funny biggest fest in Europe, like 500000 people in one place.
places, there were no closets in rooms for your personal stuff, just ROCKNATION: Thank you for taking time for this interview and
shelves covered by thin curtains. One of our guys, can’t reveal last words to
which one, got drunk the fans?
so heavily he started to Scream
run through the corri- Maker:
dor half naked, actually Thank you,
he had only his orange too! Me and
panties on, with... cab- the whole
bage and sausage in band would
hand. That was one hell like to see
of a picture! the heavy
ROCKNATION: What is metal comes
some of the music you back to life
listen to now? in a global
Scream Maker: Actually scale. Hope
I fell in love with Winger you, fans,
once again. Their album will help with
“Karma” from 2008 is that! Cheers!
For fans of
Dio Judas Priest
and Iron Maiden.
SCREAM MAKER “Livin’ In The Past”
For more information visit: Catalog # PER4802 UPC # 670573048022 NOW AVAILABLE IN ALL FINE CD STORES AND ONLINE.