Page 41 - ISSUE 14
P. 41
stick this between a couple of
songs on the CD.” So that’s what
we did! It wasn’t even planned;
it was just kind of a fluky thing.
So that’s how that came about…
“Anywhere But Here” is a song I
had written with Brandon Wilde,”
the bass player in THE MERCURY
TRAIN, about three years ago and
when we had finished the album, I
remembered the demo and thought
that that was a pretty good demo.
“Why don’t we fix that up a little
bit, maybe add some background
vocals and put it out?” It’s a cool,
little song and we did. “When I’m
Away” is actually a TNT song that
ended up being the bonus track for
“My Religion” in Japan. It’s a really
obscure TNT song and it’s really
funny because when I’m reading re-
views, people sometimes think that
it’s a much older song and are like,
“Tony gave “Anywhere But Here”
the psychedelic treatment!” and
they don’t even know what “When
I’m Away” is… they think it’s a new
song but it’s not… it’s an old TNT
Rocknation: I know you mentioned
the Norway Rock Festival which
you just played at. Do you have any
more shows lined up in support of
the release?
Tony Harnell: I really wasn’t sup-
porting the release. That was more
or less just a rock festival I was
invited to play at. That was actu-
do what I want… I don’t think it matters. ally booked last year and it just so
As a matter of fact, we just got offered happened that the timing of it was right
a pretty decent sized festival here in the at the moment when this was being
U.S. and all the bands are really retro released. It was very good in a way be-
but I said to the guy, “I’m really not into cause I got to perform and promote the
playing a retro/ nostalgic type of set.” record at the same time, but the show I
And he was like, “I don’t care, play what did at the Rockwood Music Hall here in
you want!” And I was like, “Really?” and the city was the album release and spe-
he was goin’ “Oh yeah!.” So that’s what cifically for “Round Trip.” I don’t have
I am seemingly getting more and more anything else really booked right now.
and I am absolutely thrilled about it. I I’m looking for a really great agent who
hope it continues and I think I’ve just I can really form a good relationship
been pushing the envelope so hard for with over in Europe and here in the U.S.
so long that people are finally getting it. and that will probably be two different
Sure, there are people who have fallen people but I am totally open to shows or
off of the band wagon, but people are tours or whatever comes up.
starting to respect that I’m gonna do Rocknation: So what kind of support
what I’m gonna do.” have you been getting since you re-
Rocknation: Tell me a little bit more leased the CD?
about the three “unreleased” or more Tony Harnell: The great thing about
obscure tracks “Down to the River To the music industry right now and the
Pray,” “When I’m Away” and “Anywhere internet is that it’s not like the old days
But Here.” where you release an album and then
Tony Harnell: “Down To The River To it’s gone. I could release another video
Pray” was actually on the soundtrack for this in six months and start the ball
to O Brother, Where Art Thou?” with rolling all over again. The release date
George Clooney. It was performed by is just a formality. And I think people are
Alison Krauss and my wife just abso- starting to recognize different qualities
lutely loves that song and one day I had about me and my singing and what I do
my studio up and turned on and she as an artist. If people think it’s “just”
just came in while I was on a break and a retrospective or “just” an acoustic
was like, “Can I just record something?” album, they really don’t have an idea
So I was like, Yeah!” and I just turned about what it is and really should just
the mike around and she sang that and check it out and give it a listen because
I was like, “Wow… this is really good! I think they’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Let’s put some harmonies on it!” Then And even if they don’t know these
I sang a harmony then she would sing songs, I don’t think it really matters. I
a harmony and then I said, “We should don’t think it has any bearing on the
quality of the album. I think, actually,
that it’s something any-
body could like whether
they know the songs or
Rocknation: Well that’s
about it, Tony. Is there
anything else you’d like
to add?
Tony Harnell: I’d just like
to say to all my fans out
there that they’ve been
absolutely amazing. I
really appreciate all the
letters of support that I’ve
gotten through my Face-
book and on my website
and through emails and
everything else… they’ve
just been super amaz-
ing and supportive and I
really appreciate that. I do
this because my fans are
there and because they
love what I do so I’m go-
ing to continue doing that
and hopefully I’ll get to
see them all on the road
very, very soon.
Rocknation: Thanks
again Tony. It’s always a
Tony Harnell: Thank you,
man! It’s been great and
hope to see ya soon!