Page 5 - ISSUE 18
P. 5
ROCKNATION: Hello CYANIDE did our very first 4 track demo peared
4 and welcome to Rocknation. that we simply called it ‘Com- in many
You just released your album plex’. We never stopped writing other
“Every Day Is A Masquerade” songs since then, we have a lot festivals
on Perris Records. Please tell of demo stuff, so in general and clubs
us about the recording and “Everyday is a Masquerade” in most of
writing process for this brings up our bands early days. the Greek
release. ROCKNATION: Your CD cities.
CYANIDE 4: Hello!! Basically production was mixed by ROCK-
the recordings took place in Ryan Greene (NOFX, NATION:
Athens at Black Valley studios Megadeth). What was that like Please
somewhere in between January working with Ryan? name
and July of 2009. Then we then CYANIDE 4: We were unsatis- bands
hooked up with a good friend fied with the results of our first or artist
mix of the songs. that in-
We figured out that fluenced
we have to find you.
someone to be in- CYANIDE
volved in our project 4: We
with real experience. are in-
We approached fluenced
Ryan and asked him by music
if he could mix the move-
album he accepted, ments
and he did a great and
job even if some moods.
tracks that we send Our band
him weren’t that influ-
great of recording. ences are New Wave Of British happen in his demo floor. In the
It was great that we Heavy Metal, American Punk, middle of the shooting while
had a brilliant sound Swedish Sleaze, American we were on a break, a mysteri-
engineer working Glam Metal. ous guy entered the place and
with us. ROCKNATION: You have two stared at these 4 odd guys
ROCKNATION: pro shot videos “Midnight drinking and smoking and he
Your band lives in Heat” and “Live The Life” yelled “Who are you?” We re-
Greece. What is the that will soon be on regular plied “We are the band, take it
music scene like rotation on TV easy” he replied “What band?”
there? show. Please tell us who pro- Anyway he entered the entire
CYANIDE 4: We duced them and any behind place were all the technicians
don’t have a big the scene story’s shooting were and kicked everyone out of
rock/metal scene in them. the warehouse. Thank God we
of ours at his home studio to Greece, just a few Greek metal CYANIDE 4: Both videos are had already the material that we
record some extra songs just bands achieved to export their produced by Thanasis Havales wanted video taped.
in case some songs from the music to the masses in Europe and Aesopia. Yeah there is a ROCKNATION: What plans do
previous recordings didn’t make and America and make a n ame very good story about the shoot- you have for 2012?
it for the album. The songwriting in the metal music industry ing of ‘’Midnight Heat’’ video. We (cont. on page 6)
process started early 2008 and .Our goal is to tour out of the went in the north suburbs of Ath-
ended early 2009. Back then we country, to play local ens, the
ain’t enough for shooting
us. took place
ROCKNATION: in a ware-
Please name house. In
some bands you the ware-
have appeared house
with since your they was
band has been everything
around since we needed
2008. demo
CYANIDE 4: We projec-
have played with tors, water
Lizzy Borden that curtains,
was the first one green
we did. The band walls, etc.
had two stadium The thing
dates support- was that
ing Scorpions a the owner
very big accom- of the
plishment here company
in Greece. We was sup-
have also played pose to
with W.A.S.P. and be aware
Crashdiet. The of what
band has ap- was gonna