Page 13 - Rocknation Issue 28_Neat
P. 13

ROCKNATION ISSUE 28                                                                                                              PAGE 13

         While we are on the subject of band members Todd “Taz” Anthony has worked with you before right?
         Chris: I actually had to laugh when I read this question. Not because it’s funny so much as because it made me look back on
         and consider our history together. Taz and I have been writing and recording together. Since something like the mid 80s. To
         me that seems like yesterday but then I do the math. Lol! We actually moved from Detroit to California together to help form
         the original Cherry Street and almost died in the process. We drove over the mountains in the freezing cold in an old van that
         we had purchased for like 500 bucks It had these large rusted out holes in the floorboards. It was so bad that when you looked
         down, you could actually see the road passing under your feet. Anyway, the brakes and the headlights both went out on us
         during that trip and by the time we rolled into Orange County, California that was it. The van died all together! but point is we
         made it.  So yeah, although we’ve always kept in touch he’s the guy I called years later after performing countless shows for
         Legends In Concert when I needed to do something different and get back in touch with why I fell in love with being a rock
         singer begin with. That’s that’s really where Angels In Vein started.
         Your home base is now in Vegas. What is the music scene like there now?
         Chris: Up until the pandemic, Vegas was really heating up as a place to be for live rock music. in fact, a lot of people started
         referring to the Vegas strip as the new Sunset strip. Hell, we even had a Rainbow bar and Grill here for a little while. So many
         80’s icons live here now it’s not even funny. Gene Simmons has a place up the street and it’s funny because I keep running into
         him at Albertson’s grocery store. I can tell you there is nothing trippier than seeing Gene Simmons push a grocery cart.
         Sebastian Bach, Phil Lewis, DJ, Ashba, and Vince Neil, are all artists that call Vegas and the surrounding area home now. At
         one point there were like three or four major productions based on rock music happening at the same time out here. A couple
         of the more notable were Raiding The Rock Vault and Rock Of Ages. I think a new show just opened here called Bat out of Hell
         based on the album by Meat Loaf. Of course you always have Legends In Concert paying live tribute to the greatest artists of all
         time. The other side of the coin is that there’s a lot of House music, DJs, and rave type clubs happening. For sure there’s always
         something happening here. It just really depends on what you’re into.

         Thank you Chris for taking time for this interview, any last words to the fans?
         Chris: Yes, I want to thank everybody that’s supported the band and especially those of you who have constantly pushed to
         see this record get done and finally see the light of day. The fans that have been there and stuck with us from the beginning. We
         know it’s been a long time coming! We hope you find it worth the wait. We sure did!

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