Page 15 - ISSUE 15
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ROCKNATION ISSUE 15                                                                                                             PAGE 15

                                                                                        grab the attention  Mike: This is an awesome site
                                                                                        of the world so      established in 2006.  Funky
                                                                                        they can be a part  Finds has remained dedicated
                                                                                        of a people zoo’.   to promoting independent
                                                                                        Rocknation: Have  artists, crafters & designers
                                                                                        you had some         worldwide. The goal of the
                                                                                        too crazy people  network is to help artisans
                                                                                        you had to kick      make a living doing what they
                                                                                        off the social site  are most passionate about...
                                                                                        yet?                 creating unique handmade
                                                                                        Mike: No not         items. Funky Finds offers
                                                                                        really meaning       marketing & advertising
                                                                                        other than people  services, as well as an
                                                                                        who try to spam  affordable & easy-to-use on-
                                                                                        or sell fake gold.   line marketplace, The Shops
                                                                                        It would take a lot  @ Funky Finds. For those
                                                                                        to get launched      who love to support indie
                                                                                        off the Zoo.  As     artisans, the blog & regular
                                                                                        it is a “Come as     giveaways are a great place to
                                                                                        You are – Tame       frequent!
                                                                                        or Wild Social       Rocknation: Thank you for
                                                                                        Zoo.  However,       taking time out for this
  profile to anyone’s                 planning to create indoor and                     posting things       ROCKNATION profile.
  imagination.                        outdoor events and                 such as child porn or ani-          Mike: Your welcome and we
  Rocknation: What hurdles            simulcast it back to the site      mal abuse will be the ticket        are grateful that Rock
  did you have to overcome to  live as it happens, so any                to be Dumped, Blocked and           Nation has given us the
  launch something creative           Zoo Crew member can view it        Banned.                             opportunity to give the
  and different?                      after logging in.  A couple of     Rocknation: What is the cost  readers a little insight about
  Mike: First we needed a name  names for the events in mind             for bands or people to join         ZooTap. Also, I would like to
  and a theme that would be           would be called UnCaged and        ZOOTAP?                             include a thanks: ZooTap aka
  different from other social         No New World Order.  Plus          Mike: Both and           The Zoo would like to
  sites. So we came up with the  we will provide a podcast of   are open and free  acknowledge and give thanks
  idea of a zoo (Where people         the event available for down-      to join.  However, on ZooTap.       to all of those who has made
  from all walks of life come         load. Also, we would like to       net musicians wanting more          the social and music zoo what
  together to a single place).        do something for the animals       than the allotted disk space        it is. To Tom of
  Because there are tons of           in captivity.  So, we plan to      would have to subscribe and  and, Joe
  social sites on the internet,       create a focal point to take       pay a monthly fee to do so.         and Jessica of FunkyFinds.
  users usually have more than  donations for the zoos and               On we have a VIP  com and Right-On Graphics.
  one social site account and         give on behave of the care for     level that would give zoo crew  com , Jacob and his crew at
  normally would not want to          animals.                           members all the features, no        webworthylabs and phpfox-
  join more.  After joining a         Rocknation: Tell us about who      ads and more exposure on   for the Android and
  number of other social sites        designed your new killer logo,     the site.                           iPhone apps.  We want to also
  and getting ideas not only in  and what it means to you.               Rocknation: Tell us about           thank each and every zoo
  content but also in design,         Mike: After many trails            your FUNKY FINDS blog,              crew member who has join
  we decided this is what we          trying to achieve the look of      newsletters & giveaways.            the zoo experience.
  want to give everyone ‘A ZOO’  what would
  and to include the musicians,  represent the
  we added TAP (Talented Art-         Zoo, we finally
  ist and Performers) therefore  came up with a
  creating ZooTap.  So, to get        very cool and
  users interested we present to distinct design,
  everyone a social site with a       I then
  different concept.                  contacted
  Rocknation:  Are there any          Right On!
  new ideas you will try to           Graphics
  achieve this year?                  (http://righton-
  Mike: Yes, We are designing
  and making ready the Zoo            to finalize the
  Crew Card.  This card can be  logo as they
  used for entry in to events,        did an awe-
  discounts from participating        some job tak-
  merchants and other ZooTap  ing it to the
  associated activities.  Each        next level!
  card will have a serial number  I had envi-
  so we can announce give-            sioned the
  away prizes for the zoo crew  zoo logo as
  by using a random number            an eagle of a
  generator and post the              sort with open
  results of the winner on the        wings ‘to let
  website. The only catch is you everyone know
  have to become a zoo crew           that the zoo is
  member and log in to see if         open to them’
  you won. We are                     and claws ‘to
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