Page 26 - ISSUE 15
P. 26
SLW Promotions”. How did that
help in promoting your band?
Richard: Nicky from TSM is the
best man for us. He has promoted
our music in different radio sta-
tions in France, Spain, Portugal,
the Netherlands and Germany. We
were also puplished in many mu-
sic illustrates – well we are very
happy working together with him
Rocknation: Black Sand has
worked with some accomplished
musicians such as Charles Hörne-
mann, who is a top session player
and has credits of working with
Tina Turner, Luciano Pavarotti,
The Bellamy Brothers and Steve
Winwood. What did he bring to
your bands music?
Richard: Charley has heard our
songs at a music trade fair and so
we striked up a conversation with
him. Since that time the working
together with Charles is integrated
in our songs. Charles is one of the
best studio guitarists in Europe.
We can effort from his great expe-
riences. The same working with
Christian Schwarzbach.
Rocknation: What is the music
scene like for bands in Austria
where you live?
Richard: In Austria the rock music
has a very difficult point of view
due to this we do not have a man-
BLACK SAND agement which represents us for
live gigs. Because of this we have
to do anything by ourselves and
this is not easy, even though we
Interview with are getting on her nerves and that audio engineer Manu Stix and the are able to play a 2 ½ hour rock
people already know all the songs company Makedesign to tape re-
Richard Pfanzelter and that there is nothing “new“ we cord the concert. The soundtracks Rocknation: What plans do you
have for 2011.
by Tom Mathers were assured doing our own thing. on the album are live played and Richard: With PMP film is a TV
haven’t been reworked. Our wish
We are how we are.
Hello Richard welcome to Rock- Rocknation: Black Sand has re- was, a video which shows Black Video from the song “Rock on”
planned. Our new CD “Rock and
nation. Black Sand was founded lease 9 CDs and one CD/DVD. That Sand “truly“ live. Roll never die” will be ready in
by you and Walter and started as is a major accomplishment that Rocknation: Who are your fall. In addition many gigs are
a cover band. Do you think that many major label bands have not influences? booked and we will work hard in
helped you in performing live and done. Do you feel like having full Richard: Walter and I are still our recording studio, as we do not
song writing on your material? control of your music was the only working hard. Walter is special- have a major label our music is for
Richard: Well, no not at all. Walter way you made that happen? ized in building materials and download in the worldwide web.
and I didn’t feel anything by per- Richard: Mostly of the bands have there he has to be very creative Rocknation: Thank you for tak-
forming coversongs. We have had 2 to 4 years time to compose and and I’m a welding engineer with ing time for this interview and last
always creative phasings in the produce a new album. Walter and two patents for switches. The out- words to the fans.
past and now. And as a waitress I have so many ideas for news come of this is a huge spectrum of Richard: Walter and I try hard to
told us that she founds it great songs so that we just record ideas which influences our songs. touch the people with our music.
and interesting playing our own them in our studio, afterwards we Also the world wide incidents e.g. We are happy for every single fan
songs because the coverbands decide together the ranking of the the Iraq war deeply moved us. Due from Black Sand - you can visit us
songs for our to this we have written the song on facebook!.
new album. “Night Falls“ from the album “I For more info:
We are can Dream“. Based on our experi-
also stay- ences and the many influences
ing open different
for writing directions
songs for of mu-
other bands sic were
and artists. formed
Rockna- also our
tion: Please live gigs
fill us in on in Liver-
the record- pool con-
ing process tribute to
for your lat- our style
est “Power Rockna-
Of Rock” tion: You
live CD/ teamed
DVD this up with
year. one of
Richard: At the lead-
the CLAS- ing pro-
SIC meets motional
ROCK companys
concert we in Europe
have as- “Two Side
signed our Moon &