Page 4 - ISSUE 15
P. 4
Jon: The worst
thing about seeing
a band live is to be
bored while your
watching them.
We do not give
anyone a chance
to be bored. We
make sure we
are engaging
everyone and we,
most of all, are
having the times
of our lives. It is
contagious when
you see a band
having fun that
you will also be
having fun. We
work as hard on
our show as we do
our songs. It is as
equally important
to us.
Rocknation: Tell
us about what
bands you have
played with.
Jon: We have
played shows with
Naked Beggars,
LA Guns (Traci
Guns), Pearl,
Nigel Dupree
Band and Burn
Halo. Not allot of
club touring Rock
and Roll bands come to St Louis, but
we are hoping that changes. him we were running out
Rocknation: Who are your influences? of funds to duplicate the
Jon: Aerosmith (Nick), Alice Cooper CD and he told me to
(Sean), KISS (Me) & Iron Maiden hold off on that. The next
(Ryan). These are our favorite bands. thing you know is there
Our music is influenced by many was a Perris contract in
artists. When we started writing songs my email. We couldn’t
we wanted to make sure they had be more happy. Thanks
heavy guitar hooks with sing along Tom!
chorus’s the likes of Motley Crue. We Rocknation: What
didn’t set out to sound like them but plans do you have for
wanted to have songs you would put 2011?
on at a party. Jon: 2011 we are
Rocknation: Your band formed in going to be promoting
2008 and released “Voodoo” what was “Rock and Roll Show”
the press response worldwide? by spreading out of St
Jon: The response has been tremen- Louis. We have already
dous. Our first review came back a played Chicago twice
9/10 and we were blown away. We and are heading to
have seen allot of 7/10 and 8/10. Nashville, TN next. We
People really enjoyed our music. The are friends with Rocker
only negative press we got were either Lips from Kansas City
from primarily metal sites and every- and will be headed over
one hated our CD cover. They hated there to do some shows
that so bad that some didn’t even want as well. If we can make
to listen to it. We heard that and fixed it to play on a Saturday
it on “Rock and Roll Show”. Overall we will drive there and
everyone enjoyed the music and we do a show. Unfortunately
thank them for that. we all have day jobs but
Rocknation: Perris Records we are slowly but surley
distributed your “Voodoo” CD in the spreading out and hope
USA and overseas, and now your new to meet allot of new
CD is on the label. Please tell us about friends this year.
how that happened. Rocknation: Thank you
Jon: I am not sure how we initially Jon for taking time for
started talking. Tom and I were talk- this interview and last
ing on the phone for a few months words to the fans.
before we decided to do anything. Just Jon: First off we love
bullsh*tting mainly and I would ask you all and you are not
his advice and we became friends. just fans you are friends.
He asked if we wanted to get in on a Keep supporting your
distribution deal with his other bands favorite bands, get out
and we did. I told him when Perris took and go to live shows.
“Voodoo” that we were already record- The best ones are at
ing the next one. Tom was excited the smaler venues as
about that. When we neared comple- you will get to talk to
tion of the recording of “Rock and Roll the band and hang out.
Show” I sent him some MP3’s of a cou- We encourage that and
ple songs. He loved them and I shortly if you come to see us,
sent him the rest of the songs and he please come say hello.
really liked what we did. I called to tell RAWK ON!!!