Page 5 - Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3
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What Pythonistas Say About Python Basics: A Practical In-
troduction to Python 3
“I love [the book]! The wording is casual, easy to understand, and
makes the information ow well. I never feel lost in the material, and
it’s not too dense so it’s easy for me to review older chapters over and
I’ve looked at over 10 di erent Python tutorials/books/online courses,
and I’ve probably learned the most from Real Python!”
— Thomas Wong
“Three years later and I still return to my Real Python books when I
need a quick refresher on usage of vital Python commands.”
— Rob Fowler
“I oundered for a long time trying to teach myself. I slogged through
dozens of incomplete online tutorials. I snoozed through hours of bor-
ing screencasts. I gave up on countless crufty books from big-time
publishers. And then I found Real Python.
The easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions break the big concepts
down into bite-sized chunks written in plain English. The authors
never forget their audience and are consistently thorough and detailed
in their explanations. I’m up and running now, but I constantly refer
to the material for guidance.”
— Jared Nielsen