Page 61 - Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3
P. 61

3.6. Summary and Additional Resources

            the code and the # symbol:

            phrase = "Hello, World"  # This comment is PEP 8 compliant.
            print(phrase)# This comment isn't.

            PEP 8 recommends that comments be used sparingly. A major pet
            peeve among programmers is comments that describe what is already
            obvious from reading the code.

            For example, the comment in the following code is unnecessary:

            # Print "Hello, World"
            print("Hello, World")

            The comment is unnecessary because the code itself explicitly de-
            scribes what’s happening. Comments are best used to clarify code
            that may be difficult to understand or to explain why something is
            coded a certain way.

            3.6     Summary and Additional Resources

            In this chapter, you wrote and executed your first Python program!
            You wrote a small program that displays the text "Hello, World" using
            the print() function.

            Then you learned about syntax errors, which occur before IDLE ex-
            ecutes a program that contains invalid Python code, and runtime
            errors, which only occur while a program is running.

            You saw how to assign values to variables using the assignment
            operator (=) and how to inspect variables in the interactive window.

            Finally, you learned how to write helpful comments in your code for
            when you or someone else looks at it in the future.

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