Page 89 - Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3
P. 89

4.5. Challenge: Pick Apart Your User’s Input

            4.5 Challenge: Pick Apart Your User’s


            Write a program named that prompts the user for in-
            put with the string "Tell me your password:". The program should then
            determine the first letter of the user’s input, convert that letter to up-
            percase, and display it back.

            For example, if the user input is "no", then the program should display
            the following output:

            The first letter you entered was: N

            For now, it’s okay if your program crashes when the user enters noth-
            ing as input—that is, when they just hit Enter instead of typing some-
            thing. You’ll learn a couple of ways to deal with this situation in an
            upcoming chapter.

            You can  nd the solutions to this code challenge and many other bonus
            resources online at

            4.6     Working With Strings and Numbers

            When you get user input using input(), the result is always a string.
            There are many other situations in which input is given to a program
            as a string. Sometimes those strings contain numbers that need to be
            fed into calculations.

            In this section, you’ll learn how to deal with strings of numbers. You’ll
            see how arithmetic operations work on strings and how they often lead
            to surprising results. You’ll also learn how to convert between strings
            and number types.

            Using Strings With Arithmetic Operators

            You’ve seen that string objects can hold many types of characters, in-
            cluding numbers. However, don’t confuse numerals in a string with

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