Page 3 - TNPGA 2020 Directory
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Mission Statement

           The mission of the Tennessee

           Propane Gas Association is to
                                                                                      P.O. Box 330756
           promote and sponsor the safe and                                    Murfreesboro, TN 37133-0756
           varied uses of propane, sponsor                                       Telephone: 615-256-TPGA

           education and safety programs                                          Toll Free: 888-240-TPGA
           for persons in the industry, and                                  Ginger Raffield, Executive Director
           to inform and educate the public                                  eMail:

           as propane consumers through

           the cooperation of its members.                                            Contents
           Members of the Tennessee                                      2020 LEADERSHIP                    4

           Propane Gas Association recognize                             DIRECTORS                          5

           the obligation to serve the public,

           our customers, our communities                                INDEX OF ADVERTISERS               5
           and our state.                                                COMMITTEES                         6
                                                                         PAST PRESIDENTS                    8
           About TNPGA                                                   PAST NPGA DIRECTORS                9

           Founded in 1947, the Tennessee                                LIFE MEMBERS                       9

           Propane Gas Association (TNPGA)                               TNPGA AWARDS                      10
           is comprised of propane retailers                             SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS                12

           and marketers throughout                                      STATE & AFFILIATED CONTACTS       19

           the state of Tennessee.  Our                                  TN’s 3 GRAND DIVISIONS            20
           organization focuses on teaching                              NPGA STAFF                        21

           consumers about the benefits                                  PERC STAFF                        22

           of propane and providing safety                               MARKETER MEMBERS                  25

           education to propane retailers                                SUPPLIER MEMBERS                  32
           and consumers.  Our members are                               INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS                35

           dedicated to providing consumers                              STRATEGIC PLAN 2020               36

           with a superior and quality product
           that is both safe and cost-effective.                         BY-LAWS                           41

                                               TNPGA MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY - 2020                             3
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