Page 110 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 110

‘That you are! Your wish was fulfilled.’ I giggled.
                                   ‘What did you want?’ he asked.
                                   ‘I wanted to be a painter, then a mommy, then a sailor, then a teacher,
                           then  a  nurse  before  settling  for  engineering,  which  seemed  like  the  best
                           available option to me at that time,’ I replied.
                                   ‘A mommy?’
                                   ‘Yes, I was five, maybe six and I was hugely fascinated by my mom.
                           I wanted to be like her, dress like her and tend to babies the way she would
                           tend to me. I wanted to do everything she would do. I literally believed that
                           being a mommy was a job.’ I giggled some more.
                                   ‘Let me know if you ever try to fulfil your childhood dream, maybe I
                           could be of some help.’ He winked.
                                   ‘You! Pervert! You know what, you are an arse. Shut up!’ I slapped
                           him coyly on his cheeks.
                                   Suddenly there was a downpour, and the night plunged into a sudden
                                   ‘Oh shit! Virat, do something! Should we seek shelter? Should we
                           move?’ I asked desperately.
                                   ‘No! This is the best case scenario for a sniper who might be waiting
                           for a moment just like this. Stay low and quiet. I will tell you when we have
                           to move,’ he said.
                                   ‘But it’s getting cold.’ I was shivering by then.
                                   He pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around me, trying
                           to cover me as much as he could beneath him. I tried to pull away.
                                   ‘What the fuck ? What are you doing?’ I groaned, coming out of his
                                   ‘Come here! It is strictly professional. You will feel warmer.’ At first,
                           he  held  his  arms  out  away  from  his  huge,  masculine  body.  Then  slowly,
                           awkwardly,  he  wrapped  his  arms  around  me  once  again  and  patted  my
                                   There! The resilience inside me surrendered.
                                   The rebel was long gone, and I dissolved into deep hiccupping sobs,
                           my  head  was  nestled  against  his  chest,  tears  wetting  his  already  soggy
                           uniform and my arms wrapped in a death grip around his waist. There had
                           been  a  void  inside  me  for  the  past  few  months,  like  a  black  hole  which
                           absorbs  everything  inside  it  and  anything  that  passes  by,  sucking  it  up
                           silently, and escape is literally forbidden around it.
                                   I  had  become  like  that,  pain,  grief,  anger,  anguish,  desolation  and
                           everything else was sucked up inside my heart silently. But do you know
                           what  happens  when  a  black  hole  explodes?  It  fills  up  the  sky  with  an
                           explosion never experienced before, creating new universes, making space
                           for new lives.
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