Page 238 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 238

The Impact of Pre-service Teachers’ Reflection

                   Schon, D. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner Toward a new design for teaching and learning
                   in the professions. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
                   Schön, D. S. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner. London: Temple Smith.

                   Semerci, C. (2007). Developing a reflective thinking tendency scale for teachers and student teachers.
                   Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 7(3), 1369–1376.

                   KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS

                      Classroom Management: A term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom
                   lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students.
                      EFL: The teaching of English to people whose first language is not English.
                      Instructional Practices: All approaches that a teacher may take to actively engage students in learning.
                      Pre-Service Teacher Education: A period of guided, supervised teaching.
                      Reflection: Important human activities in which people recapture their experience, think about it,
                   mull over and evaluate it.
                      Teaching Activities: Implementations used by the teachers that help to enhance learning in the
                      Teaching Materials: A spectrum of educational materials used by the teachers in the classroom to
                   support specific learning objectives.

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