Page 245 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 245

Exploring Prospective EFL Teachers’ Beliefs

                  The first stage of data analysis began with the examination of PTs’ early images of the given concepts
               (see Table 3). The metaphors given by the PTs were grouped under three headings, being a PT, teachers and
               teaching, respectively. The number of occurrence of the metaphors and the percentages were calculated.
                  As shown in Table 3, the PTs reflected on their role more as an apprentice, helper and a little child
               referring to their role as an assistant to the cooperating teacher and as someone in a progress of profes-
               sional learning. The second most frequently used metaphor was chef. When PTs referred to their role
               as a chef, they defined their role as ‘someone who is responsible for a number of duties’. Although the
               metaphor chef seems to have an active role in the process, PTs reflected on the number of duties and the
               extent to which they feel responsible for the teaching and learning context. PTs considered their role as
               daylight by referring to their ‘existence in the classroom through bringing a new energy to the classroom’.
                  In the early-images of the PTs, the roles of the teachers were defined as sun, earth, light, lighthouse
               and precious stone, referring to the teachers as the sources of knowledge and learning process. When
               PTs reflected on the roles of the teachers, they used the metaphor friend to refer to the teachers ‘they
               travel with the students together on the learning road’. The definition of teachers being a friend on the
               road provides an understanding of how PTs observe the learning process as a road, and the teachers as
               travel mates. PTs quote on their metaphors of teachers as architects assigning the roles of the teachers
               as they ‘build-up a future’. In the early-images of teachers, PTs characterized them as playing a main
               role in the teaching process.
                  The last concept of early-images defined by the PTs was teaching. In order to refer to the concept of
               teaching, PTs refereed to teaching English in the classrooms. PTs referred to the concept of teaching as
               specifically teaching English in the classrooms. In the explanations of the metaphors, PTs characterized
               what they understand from teaching English in the current context. PTs referred to English language
               teaching as teaching the world, mostly. By relating the concept of teaching the world and teaching Eng-
               lish, PTs conveyed that ‘English is a global language and in ten years time, people who cannot speak it
               will be considered as illiterate’ (Ali, Pre-M). Similar to teaching as teaching the world metaphor, PTs
               referred to teaching as revolution. PTs considered that ‘if learning is living then teaching is revolution’
               (Elcin, Pre-M). PTs extended their definition of teaching as revolution stating that ‘in order to have a
               good quality of life, everyone should learn English’ (Sonay, Int.) and through teaching English, a revo-
               lutionary act of ‘transforming a regular life into a qualified one’ (Kenan, Int.). While defining teaching
               through metaphors, PTs defined teaching as cooking and art in terms its nature in ‘providing a number
               of opportunities and a coherent context of experience’ (Esra, Post-M). In defining teaching as raining

               Table 3. Findings of the early-images

                   Being a PT    N       %        Teachers     N      %        Teaching     N       %
                apprentice      6    13.6      sun            5    11.3    teaching the world   6   13.6
                chef            5    11.3      earth          5    11.3    cooking         5     11.3
                helper          5    11.3      architect      5    11.3    art             5     11.3
                daylight        4    9.0       light          4    9.0     raining         4     9.0
                guide           4    9.0       lighthouse     4    9.0     revolution      4     9.0
                a little child   3   3.7       lighthouse     5    6.17    raining         4     9.0
                magnet          3    6.8       precious stone  3   6.8     transmitting    3     6.8

   240   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250