Page 50 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 50

Mentoring Girls in Science


                   Table 3. Results of Question One: How did the science mentors approach their opportunity to mentor
                   middle-school girls?

                                      Disseminator of Knowledge  Demonstrator of   Disseminator of   Side-By-Side Expert
                                                              Procedures        Activities
                    Dr. James                                                                       X
                    Dr. Geraldine             X
                    Dr. Darlene                                                    X
                    Dr. Francine                                                                    X
                    Scientist Joan                                                 X
                    Dr. Christy                                                                     X
                    Dr. Juan                                                       X
                    Dr. Debbie                                    X

                   Table 4. Mentorship expectations guidelines

                                    What We Expect                             What You Can Expect
                    Question of the day? (Focus)                 Girls will talk throughout the day
                    Girls will be asked to make predictions      Variety of academic abilities
                    and follow a procedure or a variety of
                    procedures and draw their own conclusions
                    Girls will be involved in collecting data as they spend the day   Girls will have misconceptions
                    with you!
                    You will ask the girls many questions and different levels of   We will have teachers to help
                    questions about                              you, they will most likely do this through questioning
                    what they know before giving content information and/or hands-on

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