Page 179 - IGC BOOK
P. 179

Environmental factors

               Lighting – lighting is so important when performing a task, dim light, shadow, glare may cause
               worker to adopt a bent neck or poor postures to concentrate on the work.

               Cold – exposure to cold temperature can result in reduced dexterity and sensation.

               Vibration – exposure to vibration while using handheld tools increase the risk of WRULD can
               cause vibration white finger, carpal tunnel syndrome and painful joints.

               Ergonomic - risk may present if any of the above factor is indeed essential when performing the

               Managing the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorder

               Matching the Workplace to the Individual Needs

               Definition - Ergonomic

               Ergonomic is a science-based discipline concerned with the interactions between workers, the
               equipment, and the environment in which the task is performed.

               Applying ergonomics can reduce risk associated with MSDs, the workplace must match the
               individual needs.

               Applying ergonomics to the workplace can:

               • reduce the potential for accidents
               • reduce the potential for injury and ill health
               • improve performance and productivity
               Ergonomics can also reduce the potential for ill health at work, such as aches, pains and damage
               to the wrists, shoulders and back, noise-induced hearing loss and work-related asthma.

               Consider the layout of controls and equipment – they should be positioned in relation to how
               they are used. Place those used most often where they are easy to reach without the need to
               stoop, stretch or hunch.

               If ergonomic principles not followed in the organisation it can lead to serious consequences to
               the workers and whole organisation.

               Display Screen Equipment

               DSE are devices or equipment that have an alphanumeric or graphic display screen and includes
               display screens, laptops, touch screens and other similar devices.

               Risks Associated with the use of DSE

               WRULD – prolonged DSE operation including the use of keyboard and mouse.

               Back pain – prolonged DSE operation in a static posture, e.g. sitting for long hours.

                 ENSIGN |                                              Unit IG2 – Element 6 – Musculoskeletal   3
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