Page 254 - IGC BOOK
P. 254

7.5        Specific Agents


               In this section, we consider number of toxic chemicals and biological agents and the hazards
               which they pose, together with the circumstances in which the hazards arise. We also describe
               the  body  reaction  to  entry  of  these  agents,  both  in  respect  of  the  immediate  superficial
               response and the long-term body defence mechanisms.

               There  are  several  other  commonly  encountered  chemical  and  biological  agents  that  are
               hazardous to health. These are described below, with an outline of the ill-health that they
               cause and the relevant control measures.

               Health Risks and Controls Associated with Other Specific Agents


               Asbestos has been a  widely used natural material which, although now  banned in many
               countries, is much in evidence in many workplaces. Previously used as an insulation and fire-
               resistant material in building construction, it was also a common friction lining in machinery
               (brakes, clutch plates, etc.).

               The inhalation of asbestos fibres causes incurable respiratory diseases, mainly cancers of the
               lung  and  chest  lining.  Death  occurs  only  15-60  years  after  exposure  although  the  initial
               symptoms (breathlessness and coughing) can appear sooner. Although the use of asbestos
               is  now  banned  in  most  countries,  many  people  are  still  dying  each  year  due  to  earlier
               exposures and this number is still rising. Three main types of respiratory disease associated
               with asbestos can be distinguished:

               • Asbestosis is formation of scar tissue (fibrosis) in the walls of the alveoli (air sacs) causing
                 thickening  and  hence  slowing  the  passage  of  oxygen  into  the  blood,  so  causing
                 breathlessness on exertion.
               • Mesothelioma  is  a  type  of  cancer  of  the  lining  around  the  lungs  and  of  the  abdomen
                 (through swallowing asbestos fibres).
               • Lung cancer occurs particularly amongst smokers exposed to asbestos. Fibres protecting
                 the lungs are flattened after inhaling cigarette smoke, so there is less protection against
                 asbestos fibres.
                 We still have the legacy of thousands of tonnes of asbestos in existing buildings. Some of it
                 is bound up in products such as asbestos cement and sprayed coatings. So long as it is in

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