Page 280 - IGC BOOK
P. 280


               Step ladders are intended for short duration work

               Control measures to use step ladders:

                •   Carry out pre user check before using stepladder.
                •   Must be placed on a stable and level surface that is not
                •   Spreaders must be fully extended and lock the braces.
                •   Face the ladder while climbing up or down, maintain the
                    body between the side rails.
                •   Do not use damaged step ladder that has cracks,
                    corroded rivets, or defective braces.
                •   Do not work higher than two steps from the top.
                •   Do not overreach
                •   Avoid side-on works
                •   Do not overload.

               Trestles and staging platform

               Trestles and boards provide a firm and level working platform to the workers who work

               from at various heights.

               Control measures to use trestles:

                   •   Must be wide enough to allow safe passage and safe use of equipment and

                   •   free from trip hazards or gaps through which persons

                       or materials could fall
                   •   fitted with toe boards and handrails

                   •   kept clean and tidy, e.g. do not allow mortar and
                       debris to build up on platforms

                   •   not loaded to give rise to a risk of collapse or to any
                       deformation that could affect its safe use. This is

                       particularly relevant in relation to blockwork loaded
                       on trestles

                   •   erected on firm level ground to ensure equipment

                       remains stable during use.

                 ENSIGN |                                                   General Workplace Issues    13
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