Page 352 - IGC BOOK
P. 352

Control Fuel Sources

               Inventories of potential fuel for a fire must be reduced to a practical minimum, subject to
               operational requirements. Some ways to reduce the potential fuel for a fire include:
               • Remove flammable materials and substances or reduce quantities to the minimum
                  required for business operation.
               • Replace flammable materials and substances with less hazardous alternatives.

               • Ensure flammable materials, liquids (and vapours) and gases are handled,
                  transported, stored, and used properly.

               • Ensure adequate separation distances between flammable materials, especially in
                  storage areas.
               • Store highly flammable substances in fire-resisting stores.

               • Where it is necessary to keep highly flammable materials in work areas, make certain that
                  only the minimum quantity is present and that the material is kept in a fire-resistant

               • Remove or alternatively, cover or treat large areas of flammable wall and ceiling linings
                  with fire resistant material/coating.

               • Ensure that flammable waste materials and rubbish are not allowed to build up and are
                  carefully stored prior to disposal.

               • Take action to avoid storage areas being vulnerable to arson or vandalism.
               • Ensure good housekeeping.

               • Improve the fire resistance of the construction of the workplace.

               Control Ignition Sources

               Group Companies must seek to reduce the hazard from potential ignition sources by
               such actions as:
               • Remove  unnecessary  sources  of  heat  or  replace  them  with  safer  alternatives  and
                  ensure that heat-producing equipment is used in accordance with the manufacturer's
                  instructions and is properly  maintained.
               • Installing machinery and equipment that has been specifically designed to minimise the
                  risk of fire or explosion, rather than machinery and equipment that has not.
               • Ensure that all electrical fuses, circuit breakers and similar protective devices are of the
                  correct rating and fit for purpose.

               • Ensure  that  sources  of  heat  do  not  arise  from  faulty  or  overloaded  electrical  or
                  mechanical equipment including overheated bearings.

                 ENSIGN  |                                                     Unit IG2 – Element 10 –Fire  7
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