Page 104 - 2024 Look Book
P. 104
Text and design elements placed with The image or design represents a segment Photos incorporate photojournalism style
edges lining up horizontally or vertically to of the student body. to capture the elements that make up the
the left, right or centered. Alignment helps moment: action, reaction and emotion.
to create order, organize elements, create INFOGRAPHIC CONTENT
visual connections and improve the An easily digestible design element that UNIQUE IDEA
readability of design. tells the story by focusing on essential facts, Unlike anything else in comparison. Very
figures, poll and survey results, typically special or unusual.
CAPTIONING presented in a visual way that includes
Photos include accompanying archival illustrative art. USE OF COLOR
information about the subject and context Color that has been incorporated into the
of the photo to better connect the reader PHOTO ILLUSTRATION design in a way that adds interest while
to moment captured in print. A photo that is used to visually define an simultaneously allowing the photographs
idea. Photo illustrations are often photos to be the center of interest. Color selection
CUTOUT PHOTO that have been electronically enhanced should be a thoughtful accent to photos
A photo in which some or all of the or posed. and design.
background has been removed, usually using
Photoshop or another photo editing software. PHOTO PACKAGE USE OF FONT/TYPOGRAPHY
Attention to detail is important when using A grouping of photos on a specific A combination of fonts that reflect the
this effect. and focused topic, often with tight theme of the yearbook, are readable
internal spacing. and interact well.
One element, usually a photo or a group of PHOTO QUALITY USE OF GRAPHICS
photos which is obviously larger and more Many factors determine the detail an image Lines or shapes thoughtfully, and
eye-catching than all other elements on the can convey, including how sharp the focus usually subtly, used to enhance the
page. Having a dominant element is a key is, the exposure range, contrast, lighting and design of a page so that photos remain
to a good design. color. Images at full size 300 DPI provide the star of the show.
the best resolution.
A horizontal guideline or implied line PHOTO STRIP Modules tell the story of an event or topic,
across the design to draw the viewer’s eye A linear configuration of photos running which add an angle to the main story in an
into the page. An eyeline brings balance to vertically or horizontally across a page inclusive way, but are separated from other
the design layout and helps to visually unify or spread. content by white space or graphics so that the
the spread elements. spread does not look cluttered.
FOLIO CONTENT A student’s voice or interview quotation USE OF SPACE
Page numbering and content that appears is pulled from the copy and featured as stand- An unoccupied part of a design; so
on the outside portion of the pages, usually alone quotation, featured alongside copy or named because the background, often white,
at the bottom. as its own module. is visible. All white space is planned and
includes margins, interior spacing, and is
FOLIO DESIGN QUICK READ CONTENT used to establish relationships between page
Thoughtfully designed folio content that adds Easily digestible content, provided in a format elements through proximity or distance.
to the look and feel of the spread and reflects that only takes seconds to read. Quick reads
theme graphics. help tell the story by focusing on essential VARIETY
facts, figures and quotes. A collection of different design,
HEADLINE DESIGN photos or text.
The combination of a primary headline and QUOTES
secondary headline that uses font, color Word-for-word statements from sources,
and placement to visually reflect theme showing a reaction to, an explanation for,
and content. Various headline styles are used or an interpretation of an activity, event
like Kicker, Hammer and Tripod. Readability is or issue.
the primary focus when designing headlines.
HEADLINE PHRASING An attractive and purposeful use of type,
The primary headline is usually 3-5 clever shape, line or color that showcases the
words. The secondary headline is a short win/loss record of the season and
sentence that gives background detail to enhances the spread overall.
support the primary headline.