Page 16 - 2024 Look Book
P. 16


                  A theme should be relevant to the lives of students at the school, unify the yearbook verbally and visually, and use
                  details specific to the school and/or the year. Strong theme development adheres to the guidelines below.

                  COVER                            OPENING/CLOSING SPREADS          READER SERVICES
                  The cover and spine introduce the theme   Opening and closing sections are one or   Table of Contents, page numbers, index,
                  verbally and visually with a fresh concept   more spreads after the title page and before   and colophon all play an important role in
                  specific to the school year. Applications, fonts,   the parting page that reinforce the theme’s   creating a fully articulated theme. They are
                  colors, and graphics link to the theme.   visual message. Theme copy utilizes creative   not optional.
                                                   storytelling. The opening copy allows readers to   •  Table of contents is accurate and may
                  ENDSHEETS                        understand why the theme was chosen for this   contain page descriptions or teasers
                  Printed endsheets provide a smooth transition   yearbook, and the closing brings the theme to a   •  Index is alphabetical and includes students,
                  from the outside of the yearbook to the inside.   conclusion.       staff, clubs, or teams
                  While a table of contents is traditional, the
                  front endsheet also serves as an opening   DIVIDER SPREADS        TITLE PAGE/PARTING PAGE
                  spread and the back endsheet as a closing   Spreads opening each yearbook section have   The title page, as the reader’s first inside
                  spread.                          a similar design and visually spin-off of the   impression of the yearbook, and the parting
                  •  Endsheets may be a plain unprinted color   opening/closing spread(s) design. Divider   page, as the reader’s last inside impression of
                  •  If customized, endsheets reflect the theme   spreads feature photographs and copy that   the yearbook, reflect the theme’s design and/
                    visually and verbally          link the theme to the upcoming section’s   or tone.
                  •  Back endsheets may contain colophon or   coverage.             •  Title page contains descriptive data about
                    closing theme copy             •  May contain additional reader services   the school such as location, web address,
                                                     like section contents or give an overview of   and/or student and staff population
                                                     upcoming page content            numbers

                  NOTABLE THEME ELEMENTS

                  The variety of ways that a school implements theme throughout their yearbook may include some of these elements below.

                  WHOLE BOOK LINK                  HEAVY COVERAGE OF STUDENTS       STORYTELLING
                  A recurring module or element that connects   Page design utilizes strategies to cover a   Photos incorporate photojournalism style
                  to the theme and is featured throughout the   large number of students in a variety of ways   to capture the elements that make up the
                  yearbook, with the goal of featuring all or   on yearbook spreads.   moment: action, reaction, and emotion.
                  most students.
                                                   HIGH-QUALITY WRITING             THEMATIC MODULE
                  COHESIVE LOOK AND FEEL           Copy — whether traditional or alternative   Similar to a Book Link, these module designs
                  Colors, type and graphic design elements   – shows evidence of strong reporting by   use spin-offs and imagery to connect to the
                  remain consistent throughout all pages of the   incorporating student voice and is edited to   theme and may be repeated several times
                  yearbook, not just theme pages.  adhere to AP Style.              throughout the yearbook to add continuity.
                  All section dividers – either chronological or   Opening and closing spreads are designed   Written with a distinct voice and a creative
                  traditional – have a similar look and feel.  to look similar, using photography and other   style, this text brings the theme to life through
                                                   visual elements to connect to theme copy.  careful word choice to tell the story of the year.
                  ECHO COVER IMAGERY
                  Colors, type and graphics used on the cover   PHOTO QUALITY       USE OF COLOR
                  can be found throughout the publication.  Photos throughout the yearbook demonstrate   Color is used effectively to emphasize
                                                   a mastery of creative composition and the   important content or page elements, to
                  FOLIO CONTENT                    technical aspects of photography.  build on the theme concept and to create
                  Accurate page numbers are used consistently                       consistency throughout the yearbook.
                  throughout the yearbook and may include   QUOTES
                  accompanying reader information like section   Student voices are authentically captured and   USE OF FONT/TYPOGRAPHY
                  titles and/or page topics.       featured through the use of pull quotes and/  Typography is used effectively for readability,
                                                   or quotation modules and copy.   to complement the theme concept and build on
                  FOLIO DESIGN                                                      the reader experience.
                  Page folio uses color and type to create a   SPIN-OFFS
                  cohesive look and extend reader services.   The theme concept is developed further using   USE OF GRAPHICS
                                                   spin-off words and phrases that echo the   Lines, shapes or imagery used thoughtfully,
                  HEADLINE DESIGN                  theme idea and are showcased as headlines,   and often subtly, to enhance the design and
                  Care is taken to design a headline package   section titles or other copy.  connect to elements within the verbal or visual
                  that utilizes theme elements like color, type and                 theme concept.
                  spacing to effectively draw reader interest.
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