Page 54 - 2024 Look Book
P. 54


                 Monarch High School | Louisville, CO

                 STILL US. STILL YOU.                                                               2023 ADVISER
                                                                                                    Ben Reed
                 STILL HERE.                                                                        REPRESENTATIVE
                                                                                                    Dana Weiss
                 A soft color palette and the
                 suggestion of a setting sun
                 in the corner of the Mosiac’s
                 cover tap into the nostalgia of
                 the theme, “Still us. Still you.
                                                                                                    NOTABLE ELEMENTS
                 Still here.” Partial circles anchor                                                Cohesive Look and Feel
                 photo content, and a repeated                                                      Consistent Divider Package
                                                                                                    Folio Content
                 “Tell us about you” module in                                                      Quotes
                 the folio personalizes the theme.                                                  Storytelling
                                                                                                    COVER APPLICATIONS
                                                                                                    Custom Embossed
                                                                                                    Grit Lamination

                 FALL SECTION | STUDENT LIFE
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59