Page 37 - Layout Pro_YBA Guide (Staff Overview)
P. 37
Layout Pro Contextual Toolbar - Transform Options
These options are present no matter what element is selected (on right side of contexual toolbar).
Duplicates the LOCK Adjust page position (where
selected element or a an element is on a page by
group of elements. specific point values) and
width/height values of an
Adjust vertical and horizontal element. Can also rotate by
alignment of the element. a specific degree.
• Arrangement: Adjusts position • Lock All: Locks all
of element; bring to front, bring selected elements.
forward, send to back, send • Lock Position and Size:
backwards. Lock the position and size
• Flip/Rotate: Flip an element of the selected element.
horizontally or vertically, or The content of the object
rotate an element in 90-degree is still editable.
increments. • Lock Content: Locks
• Align Object: Align two or more the content of selected
objects vertically, horizontally, to objects. The position and
top, to bottom, and to center of size can still be edited.
each other.
• Distribute: Evenly distribute
objects in relationship to
each other.
• The group icon will be visible in the contextual toolbar
when multiple items are selected.
Scan QR code to watch the video. • Select all the elements you would like to group by
holding down the Shift key while clicking each individual
element. Or click and drag the mouse over the items
you’d like to select.
• Click the Group button in the Contextual Toolbar. Once
your elements are grouped they will act as one larger
• Move, resize, flip and rotate the elements together.
• Select the element group.
• The Group button will change to the Ungroup button
when a group is selected.
• Click the Ungroup button.
YBA Reference Guide 47