Page 46 - Layout Pro_YBA Guide (Staff Overview)
P. 46

            Editing Images with Snap Edit                                 ℠

                    Scan QR code to watch the video.

            Snap Edit is the image editing tool that makes it easy to edit and enhance the photos on your pages.

            FLIP IMAGE                   SEE ORIGINAL/RESET            SLIDERS
            Flip horizontally or vertically.  •  See photo as it was    Adjust level of effect by
                                           before editing.             percentage.
                                         •  Reset image to original.

                                                                                      Black & White: Makes
                                                                                      photo grayscale.
                                                                                      Sepia: Makes photo a
                                                                                      reddish-brown monochrome.
                                                                                      Colorize: Select a color from
                                                                                      your color library to apply a
                                                                                      color pop to your image.
                                                                                      Tone: Select a color from your
                                                                                      color library to apply a color
                                                                                      overlay to your image.
                                                                                      Brightness: adjusts lightness
                                                                                      or darkness of your image.
                                                                                      Contrast: adjusts the contrast
                                                                                      between lights and darks.
                                                                                      Saturation: Adjusts color
                                                                                      vibrancy of image.
                                                                                      Levels: adjusts exposure and
                                                                                      brightness of your image.
                                                                                      Drag the black, gray and white
                                                                                      sliders below the histogram to
                                                                                      adjust levels.

                                                    Saves the edited image in the image
                                                    library. The original image will remain
                                                    on the spread until replaced.

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