Page 28 - Page Surfer_2022 Guide
P. 28


                                         CLUBS &


              4008                          Images are low-resolution, are not color-managed, and do not reflect final quality.   4009  4028  Images are low-resolution, are not color-managed, and do not reflect final quality.   4029
                                             TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                                                         TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
               Row 1: Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name,
               Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student  ?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
               Name, Student Name Row 2: Student Name, Student Name, Student  consectetuer adipiscing elit,  A: 10 Pt. PalBI  C: Lead-in
               Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name,  sed diam nonummy nibh  B: This is the caption set in Palatino  D: This is the caption set in Palatino
               Student Name, Student Name Row 3: Student Name, Student Name,  euismod tincidunt ut laoreet  headline  8  point,  justified.  Lorem  ipsum  8  point,  justified.  Lorem  ipsum
               Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student                     dolor  sit  amet,  consectetuer  adip  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetuer  adip
               Name, Student Name, Student Name  dolore magna aliquam erat                         icinf  elit.  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  icinf  elit.  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit
                           volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad?                                              amet, consectetuer.  amet, consectetuer.
                             Name Name
                                             secondary headline text
                              ?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,  DATA
                              consectetuer adipiscing elit,  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                              sed diam nonummy nibh  1  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh  A: Subheadine  here is
                              euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
                                       euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.
                              dolore magna aliquam erat           18 point Palatino Italic
                              volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad?  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                                     2  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
                               Name Name  euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.  B:36 Palatino
                                       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                           ?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,  3  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh  Lorem ipsum
                                       euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.
                           consectetuer adipiscing elit,
                           sed diam nonummy nibh
                           euismod tincidunt ut laoreet  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer  C: 14 point Pal .Explanatory paragraph
                           dolore magna aliquam erat  4  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
                                       euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.
                           volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad?  _Type text here type  that explains the quick read copy.  It
                             Name Name  5  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer  text here type text  might be a quote box or  a top 10 list or
                                                                  even a short story.
                                                      here type text here
                                                      type text here type
                                       adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
                                       euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.
                                                                  would  be  justified.  The  second
                              ?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  text here  TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  D:  Quote  is  10  point  Palatino  and  TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                                                  sentence would give more information
                              consectetuer adipiscing elit,  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer  Row1: Student  Name,  Student  Name,  Student  Name,  Student  Name,
                              sed diam nonummy nibh  6  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh  about the story and add to the variety  Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name
                                                                  in the spread Lorem ipsum doror alt sit
                              euismod tincidunt ut laoreet  euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.  Row  2: Student  Name,  Student  Name,  Student  Name,  Student  Name,
                              dolore magna aliquam erat           emmutiect.  E:10 Pt. Palatino Italic  Student  Name,  Student  Name  Row  3: Student  Name,  Student  Name,
                                                                                                   Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name
                              volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad?  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                                     7  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh  F: This is where the first bit of copy  E: Lead-in
                               Name Name                                                                F: This is the caption set in Palatino
               In 8 point Palatino, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.  euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.  would go. It is set in Palation 10 point  8  point,  justified.  Lorem  ipsum
               10 picas wide X 6 picas deep. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer  and  would  be  justified.  The  second  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetuer  adip
               adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit  sentence would give more information  icinf  elit.  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit
               amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer  about the story and add to the variety  amet, consectetuer.
               Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam  ?Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,  8  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh  in the spread.
               nonummy nibh euismod.  consectetuer adipiscing elit,  euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.
                           sed diam nonummy nibh                     G: Name Name, grade
                           euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
                           dolore magna aliquam erat  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer  H: This is where the first bit of copy  J: names of the people in the photos. names of the people in th
                                       adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
                                                                  would go. It is set in Palation 10 point
                           volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad?  9  euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.  and  would  be  justified.  The  second  photos. names of the people in the photos. names of the people  I: Lead-in
                                                                             in th photos. names of the people in the photos. names of the
                             Name Name  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer  sentence would give more information  people. names of the people in the photos. names of the people  J: This is the caption set in Palatino
                                                                  about the story and add to the variety
                                                                             in th photos. names of the people in the photos. names of the
                                                                                                   8  point,  justified.  Lorem  ipsum
                                     10  adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh  in the spread.  I: Name Name, grade  people in th photos.  names of the people in the photos.  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetuer  adip
                                                                                                   icinf elit. Lorem ipsum dolor.
                                       euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.
                66                                       3         14                                       69
                                             TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE       TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
              Job 12640 Year 2015 Page 066 (30726811) 12/22/2014 12:00 PM  Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2014  Job 18407 Year 2014 Page 003 (28849886) 12/20/2013 12:55 PM  Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2013  Job 18407 Year 2014 Page 014 (28850178) 12/23/2013 9:29 AM  Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2013  Job 12640 Year 2015 Page 069 (30726816) 12/22/2014 12:01 PM  Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2014
              4030                          Images are low-resolution, are not color-managed, and do not reflect final quality.   4031  4032  Images are low-resolution, are not color-managed, and do not reflect final quality.   4033
                                             TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                                                         TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                                                                                   A: Lead-in 10 pt. Palatino Italic
                                                                                A: Lead-in 10 pt. Palatino Italic  B: This is the caption set in 8 point Palatino. It would
                    A: Lead-in                                                  B: This is the caption set in 8 point Palatino. It would  be justified. The amd oapd aoijd fnaosidhpaoid fnn
                                                                                                   gijg[og [pdojg apdojg pdojg apodg a[pdgoa dpk.
                                                                                be justified. The amd oapd aoijd fnaosidhpaoid fnn
                    B: This is the caption set in                               gijg[og [pdojg apdojg pdojg apodg a[pdgoa dpk.  C: This is the caption lead-in 10 pt. Pal It
                    Palatino 8 point, justified. Lorem                                             Row 1: Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name,
                                                                  48 P Palatino                    Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Row 3: Student
                    ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer                                             Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student
                    adip icinf elit. Lorem ipsum dolor.                                            Name, Student Name Row 2: Student Name, Student Name, Student
                                                                                                   Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name
                                                                  D: Subhead here in
                                                                  14. Palatino Italic  E: 48 Pal
                                                A: Subheadine  here is  next to the big head.
               C: Lead-in                       18 point Palatino Italic
               D: This is the caption set in                         F: Mini-headline 18 pt. Palatino It
               Palatino 8 point, justified. Lorem
               ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
               adip icinf elit. Lorem ipsum dolor.  B:36 Pt Palatino   G: This is a quote from
                                                                       a person about this
                                                Lorem ipsum            particular academic
                                                                       area. It is set in 12 point
                                                                       Palatino and should be
                                                C: 14 point Pal .Explanatory paragraph  justified. H: 12 Pt. PAL Italic
                                                that explains the quick read copy.  It
                                                might be a quote box or  a top 10 list or  I: Mini-headline 18 pt. Palatino It
                                                even a short story.
                                    TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  D: Quote is 10 point Palatino and  TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  J: This is a quote from a  TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                                    would be justified.  The second
                                                                       person about this
                                                    sentence would give more
                                                                       particular academic
                                                    information about the story and add
               Row 1: Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name,  to the variety in the spread Lorem  area. It is set in 12 point
                                                                       Palatino and should be
                                                    ipsum doror alt sit emmutiect.
               Student Name, Student Name Row 2: Student Name, Student Name,  E:10 Pt. Palatino Italic  justified.
               Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student
               Name, Student Name, Student Name Row 3: Student Name, Student  F: This is where the first bit of copy  K: Smithsonian, senior
               Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name, Student Name  would go.  It is set in Palation 10
               E: Lead-in                           point and would be justified.  The  L: Mini-headline 18 pt. Palatino It
               F: This is the caption set in        second sentence would give more
               Palatino 8 point, justified. Lorem   information about the story and add
               ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer   to the variety in the spread.
               adip icinf elit. Lorem ipsum dolor.                     M: This is a quote from
                                                       G: Name Name, grade  a person about this
                                                    H: This is where the first bit of copy  particular academic  O: Caption Lead-In  E: This is the caption lead-in 10 pt. Pal It
                                                                                P: This is the caption set in 8 point Palatino. It would
                                                    would go.  It is set in Palation 10  area. It is set in 12 point  be justified. The amd oapd aoijd fnaosidhpaoid fnn  F: This is the caption set in 8 point Palatino. It would
                                     J: names of the people in the photos. names of the people in th  point and would be justified.  The  Palatino and should be  gijg[og [pdojg apdojg pdojg apodg a[pdgoa dpk.  be justified. The amd oapd aoijd fnaosidhpaoid fnn
                                     photos. names of the people in the photos. names of the people  second sentence would give more  justified.  gijg[og [pdojg apdojg pdojg apodg a[pdgoa dpk.
                    I: Lead-in       in th photos. names of the people in the photos. names of the  information about the story and add  N: Smithsonian, senior  G: This is the caption lead-in 10 pt. Pal It
                                     people. names of the people in the photos. names of the people
                    J: This is the caption set in  in th photos. names of the people in the photos. names of the  to the variety in the spread.  H: This is the caption set in 8 point Palatino. It would
                    Palatino 8 point, justified. Lorem  people in th photos. names of the people in the photos. names  I: Name Name, grade  be justified. The amd oapd aoijd fnaosidhpaoid fnn
                    ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer                                             gijg[og [pdojg apdojg pdojg apodg a[pdgoa dpk.
                    adip icinf elit. Lorem ipsum dolor.  of the people.
               70                                         15      14                                         71
                                                                         TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                             TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
              Job 12640 Year 2015 Page 070 (30726817) 12/22/2014 12:02 PM  Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2014  Job 18407 Year 2014 Page 015 (28850245) 12/23/2013 11:04 AM  Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2013  Job 18407 Year 2014 Page 014 (28850262) 12/23/2013 11:25 AM  Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2013  Job 12640 Year 2015 Page 071 (30726818) 12/22/2014 12:15 PM  Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2014
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