Page 130 - Yokota HS_2022 YBK
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                     Kaleb Birch

   Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.

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     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE                                                              We've had countless                      TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE


                                                                                   adventures & awesome
                                                                                experiences traveling around
                                                                                the world together.  Now go
                                                                                out & make the world yours!
                                                                                 We Love you very much &
                                                                                 we're extremely proud that
                                                                                         you're our son!
                                                                                          Dad & Anna
                                                                                “It means your future hasn’t
                                                                                 been written yet. No one’s
                                                                                has! Your future is whatever
                                                                              you make it. So make it a good
                                                                                 - Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown
                                                                                (Back to the Future: Part III)

           128   Senior Ads

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         Job 14414 Year 2022 Page 128 (1312559015) Master (1041531739) 09/20/2022 1:30 AM                  Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2022
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