Page 171 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
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                                       BACK IN GOLD //                                          "What's the best part of being
                                                                                                a teacher and coach?"//
                                        After a long summer                                     LEFT: "I get to encourage kids'
                                        break, it was time to                                   developments outside the classroom as a
                                                                                                coach and inside the classroom as a teacher.
                                        welcome back                                            Being able to see two different sides of
                                        students for a new                                      students and develop both sides of the student
                                                                                                athlete" (Coach Bittner)
                                        academic year. As
                                                                                                RIGHT: "The best part would be getting to
                                        the first day unfolded,                                 build a relationship with my students not just
                                        it was clear that the                                   in class but outside of class too." (Coach
                                        teachers and faculty                                    BOTTOM: "The impact you have on lives.
                                        had created a                                           Seeing these kids become who they become,
                                        positive and                                            that's the best part." (Coach Pollock)
                                        environment for their        DOWN IN THE OFFICE//
                                        students. With their         Many forget that not every faculty member teaches. Learn more
                                        passion for teaching         about some of our office staff and counselors!
                                        and genuine care for
                                                                                        MS. FURSMAN//
                                        their students'                                 Q: What's your favorite book?              Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                                        well-being, they were                           A: Pride and Prejudice. When I first read it in
                                        ready to embark on a                            high school I was intrigued and the more I
                                                                                        read it I realized there were more layers to it. I
                                        new year of learning
                                                                                        love the way the characters talk to each other.
                                        and growth together.
                                        The stage was set for
                                        a successful school
                                                                                        MS. WILLIAMS//
                                        year, and everyone                              Q: What's your favorite movie?
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE            TALK ABOUT THEIR                                  Heartbeats. I like anything with music!  TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                        was excited to see
                                                                                        A: I have so many favorites, but one of my
                                                                                        favorites that I watched recently was The Five
                                        what the future held.
                                       "IT WAS EXCITING
                                      TO HEAR THE KIDS

                                                                                        Q: What's your favorite Korean food?
         TOP: Ms. SJ and Ms. Flanery greet the
                                         THE LOOKS ON
                                                                                        A: My favorite Korean food is sundubu jjigae
         students at the front doors to welcome the  SUMMER AND SEE                     MS. MUELLER//
         students back.               THEIR FACE WHEN                                   (Korean spicy tofu soup). Every time I go
         BOTTOM: The faculty meet together one last THEY SAW THEIR                      somewhere that's what they have so even if I don't
         time before students enter the building and  FRIENDS."                         like the other food options I can do that. I can't do
         begin their first day!
                                        - MRS. FLANERY                                  raw fish but my husband loves it. We'll go
                                                                                        somewhere and he gets sushi and wants raw fish
                                                                                        and I can't do it so I just get this.
                                          3.                 2.                 1.  YOUNG AT HEART//
                                                                                    1. Ms. Flanery faces the hard punches in
                                                                                    the boxing ring during the Back-to-School
                                                                                    2. Although she may not look tough in her
                                                                                    pajamas, Ms. Manning takes down her
                                                                                    students with her pirate hook and sword!
                                                                                    3. To prepare for Easter weekend, Ms.
                                                                                    Reyes and Ms. Edwards dress up as Easter


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