Page 219 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
P. 219

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                                                                              As time passed and we grew up, our
                                                                              culture grew with us as well. The
                                                                              inspirations our Senior class used to
                                                                              motivate themselves, and some trials
                                                                              they experienced throughout high
                                                                              school, can be seen to inspire the next

                                                                              generations of Blackhawks.

                                                                              Moments cherished by our beloved
                                                                              Blackhawks are displayed on this
                                                                              page, to commemorate the                             Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.

                                                                              long-lasting friendships that our
                                                                              senior Blackhawks have created
          MAKING MEMORIES//                                                   throughout their years in the ROK.
          Seniors Madison Schrimsher (top left), Claire
          Miller (bottom left), and Levi Ramos (top right),
          with junior Brandon Borelli (bottom right)                          Living in Korea, our seniors have
          spending their time after practice enjoying each                    been able to make unique,
          other's company!
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE                                                    are able to carry with them for the                TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                                                              unforgettable memories that they

                                                                              rest of their lives.

                                                                                  "AND IF WE DON'T SEE
                                                                               YOU... GOOD AFTERNOON,
                                            LEFT: Gian Carlos Rivera, Nathaniel Meno, Lanin  GOOD EVENING, AND
                                            Craig, Francisco Ramos, Ethan Elliot, and Jack
                                            Carey, posing for a picture during lunch!   GOODNIGHT!"
                                            RIGHT: Kaden Christy, 10, Blake Gee, 10, and
                                            Madeline Gee, 12, sharing memories of going to  - the Truman Show
                                            McDonald's after school!

           WHAT WAS THE MOST CHALLENGING                              Some of our wonderful seniors reveal the obstacles and

           PART OF HIGH SCHOOL?//                                     challenges it took to overcome these last 4 years.

                             DYLAN YI //                           RUSSELL SIGRAH//                    KALIA BRIALES //

                               "Getting through AP                 "The most challenging               "Managing relationships
                              classes and not getting              part about high school               and school work at the
                                enough sleep."                     was time management."                   same time."


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