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                                                                                                            HHS Q&A

                                                                               SOMETHING TO


                                                                               Each student at Humphreys High School is
                                                                               unique in their own way, even in how they
                                                                               answer simple questions. How can we begin
                                                                               to break the ice?
                                                                               Ice-breakers, hypothetical scenarios, and what-ifs
                                                                               all present the same opportunity: a chance to get
                                                                               to know one another, and share our common
                                                                               experiences. Where have you gone? Where would
                                                                               you like to go? With no right answer, everyone gets
                                                                               a turn to tell their own story.
                                                                               "I think people find hypotheticals popular because  Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                                                                               it allows them to go wild with their imaginations.
                                                                               They get to explore their creativity, unlimited,
                                                                               unlike when you're normally asked a question,"
                                                                               Senior Jason Smith remarks. His favorite
           "The coolest part was just like, turning                            scenarios include those around living things, such
           around and being like, 'OK, nothing but                             as replacing animals in some ecosystems with
           desert,' and then turning this way and seeing
           the tallest building in the world." –Brian Rich                     animals native to another.
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE                                                     interests, and values of those who take their time  TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                                                               With the right question, no two answers will ever
                                                                               be the same, and will reveal the personalities,

                                                                               and answer carefully. Blackhawks, here's a
                                                                               question just for you: If you could know any fact in
                                                                               the world, what would you want to know?
                                                                               "I WOULD WANT TO KNOW
                                                                                WHEN MY LIFE WILL END,
                                            TOP:  Teacher Emily McCormick got to visit
                                            Sydney, near the famous Sydney Opera House/  SO I CAN LIVE MY LIFE TO
                                            LEFT: "It was an elephant sanctuary for tourists,"  THE FULLEST AND BE
                                            James Hartman, 10, says as he recalls his trip to
                                            Thailand. "They'd rescue elephants and give them  SUCCESSFUL."
                                            proper treatment."
                                                                                     – LEWIS TAYLOR, 10

           WOULD YOU RATHER//                                       Blackhawks, would you rather: be able to take back
                                                                    anything you say, or hear any conversation that is about
                              JUSTIN RENZ WU,                      STEPH MARISH                         JOHN LANGSTON, 11
                              9 // "I'd rather be able             GABRIEL, 12 // "I                    // "I would say hear any
                              to take back anything I              would rather hear any                conversation that is
                              say, so that if I mess up,           conversation that is                 about you. I believe in
                              I could erase that from              about me. I don't know,              living in the truth, and
                              the time-line where I'd              I think it'd be interesting          that's why I also
                              get cancelled."                      if I heard anything that             wouldn't want to be able
                                                                   was said about me."                  to take back the things I


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