Page 320 - 2023 Look Book
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President Theodore Roosevelt    Rock Hill High School, TX   184  Satterthwaite, Julia   34  Southwest Career and Technical
                  High School, HI   91     Rocklin High School, CA   77  Sawatzky, Maddox   241      Academy, NV   46, 291
               Presque Isle High School, ME   104  Rockville High School, MD   136  Scannella, Cindy   203  South Williamsport Jr./Sr. High School,
               Preston, Nicole   181       Rockwall-Heath High School, TX   126  Schauster, Trent   117, 222  PA   277
               Price, Rianne   20, 87-88, 151, 179  Rockwall High School, TX   105  Schlepphorst, Andrea   99  South Windsor High School, CT   218
               Pringle, Josie   Mini Mag 12  Rocky Mountain Junior High School,   Schock, Hannah   132  Spelman, Chris   202, 205
               PRINT Awards   292-293        UT   118                  Schreel, Paul   84         Springfield Middle School, SC   119
               Pritchard, Kate   203, 234  Rodriguez, Joanne   134     Schreiner, Anna   235      Standley Lake High School, CO   159
               Program of Excellence    284-287  Rodriguez, Marilyn   204, 292  Schreiner, Sarah   149, 238  Stapleton, Christopher   82
               Prospect High School, IL   170  Rogers High School, AR   184  Schweickert, Jeff   167  Starr’s Mill High School, GA   219
               Prosper High School, TX   76  Rolesville High School, NC   184  Scoggin, Anna   177  Staszeczka, Joanna   145
               Providence Christian Academy, GA   144  Roman Catholic High School, PA   170  Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School,   State College Area High School,
               Providence High School, NC   291  Roosevelt High School, HI   91   NJ   217           PA   159
               Providence Senior High School, NC   38  Root, Alison   88  Scott, Kristen   290    Staunton River High School, VA   94
               Pugliese, Cindy   170       Root, Dr. Deborah   183     Seaforth High School, NC   217  Steadele, Amanda   133
               Pupo, Isabella   Mini Mag 5, 262  Roseburg High School, OR   92  Searcy High School, AR   158  Steele High School, TX   140
                                           Rosenberger, Craig   18, 101, 105, 153,   Seat, Amber   278  Steinhauser, Kristina   206
                                             157                       Seat, Aubrey   278         Stephenson, Sophia   279
                                           Rosman Middle/High School, NC   171  Semiahmoo Secondary School, BC   78  Stern, Kristy   95
                                           Ross, Melody   78           Semple, Christina   84     Stevens High School, NJ   102
                                           Ross, Suzanne   78, 128, 146, 203,   Seven Lakes Junior High School,    Stevenson, Mark   212
                                             207, 222                    TX   118                 Stewart, Beth   80
                                           Rossi, Catherine   150      Severna Park High School, MD   78  Stigler Public Schools, OK   127
               Queen Creek High School, AZ   91  Rossview High School, TN   215                   Stillwater Area High School, MN   185
               Quigley, Adrianne   75      Rott, Sharon   244          Shadow Ridge High School, AZ   93  Stine, Lisa   265, 276, 280, 290
               Quince Orchard High School, MD   214  Round, Jillian   131  Shaheen, Molly   197   Stirns, Cynthia   113
               Quinlan, Len   85, 220                                  Shawnee Mission East High School, KS
                                           Round Rock High School, TX   40, 269,   250, 276       Stoltz, Nicole   170
                                             291                       Shay, Sarah   222, 266     Stowell, Brittany   204
                                           Rowe, Sydney   237, 274, 277, 280  Shearer, Kelly   277  Stracke, Kim   148
                                           Royse City High School, TX   216  Sheets, Matt   75, 90, 107, 177  Strange, Stephanie   140
                                           Rubinstein, Josh   77       Sheffield, Tread & Associates   10, 24,   Stratford High School, SC   106
                                           Ruggieri, Nick   213          36, 42, 48, 58, 72, 74, 76-77, 83, 86,   Strath Haven High School, PA   172
                                           Rundle College Jr./Sr. High School, AB     95, 98-101, 104-105, 107, 111-112,   Strathmore High School, AB   243
               R.W. Johnson High School, GA   91  242, 282               116, 120, 126, 131, 135, 144, 149,   Straub, Bill   130, 172
               Rabhan, Rachel   215        Russell, Crystal   88, 229    152-153, 160, 165, 167, 181, 183-  Street, Kevin   162
                                                                         184, 192, 194, 196-198, 206, 216
               Ragains, Suzanne   79       Rutkowski, Amy   217        Sheldon High School, CA   44  Strelitz, Alison   79
               Ramones, Eizen   110        Ryan High School, TX   238  Shepherd, Rachael   154    Stroh, Larry   205
               Rancocas Valley Regional High School,
                  NJ   170                                             Shields, Tom   28          Stucchio, Matthew   84
               Randolph County High School, AL   105                   Shoebottom, Madyson   275  Stueber, Erika   214
               Randolph-Henry High School, VA   76                     Shoemaker, Carla   85      Stumb, Adrienne   128
               Rannis, Lori   135                                      Short, Anna   90           Sunset Middle School, CO   119
               Raper, Margie   184                                     Shumpert, Anna   157       Surfside Middle School, FL   120
               Ravenwood High School, TN   279  Sacred Hearts Academy, HI   215  Shupe, Adam   44  Surry Central High School, NC   107
               Rawlin, Brian   75          St. Amant, Lily   258       Sianis, Eleni   222        Suter, Hailey   277
               Reed, Ben   32              St. Augustine Preparatory School,    Sickle, Kara   240, 282  Swain, Tonya   196
               Reedy High School, TX   77    NJ   171                  Siegel, Lela   130, 278    Swanner, Jennilee   98
               Reeping, Frederick   124    St. Margaret’s Episcopal School,    Sierra Vista High School, NV   172  Swanson, Katie   145
               Regis Jesuit High School, CO   291  CA   274            Sigmon, Kurt   146         Sweet, Steve   78
               Reiman, Chandler   244      St. Margaret’s Episcopal Upper School,   Sigona, Vittoria   79  Sweet, Steve Jr.   102, 158
               Reis, Linda   162             CA   77                   Simpson, Norrine   280     Szenes-Strauss, Lawrence   157
               Reno High School, NV   92   St. Mark’s School of Texas, TX   42, 291  Sims Middle School, FL   120, 224
               Rice, Rebecca   124         St. Paul Academy and Summit School,   Singletary, Ashleigh   222
               Richardson High School, TX   183, 260  MN   216         Sinsay, Clarence   205
               Richland R-1 High School, MO   257,   St. Paul VI Catholic High School,    Skyline High School, WA   106
                                             VA   171
                  270, 279                                             Skyview High School, ID   218
               Richmond-Burton Community    St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School,   Smale, Stacy   159
                                             VA   136
                  High School, IL   105                                Smith, Aaron   160         T.C. Roberson High School, NC   278,
               Ricketts, Gary   193        St. Stephens High School, NC   145  Smith, Clint   237, 261, 274-277, 280  281
               Rietveld, Isaac   283       Salah, Noureen   239, 266   Smith Jewish Day School, MD   176, 290   Taavettila, Sonja   269
               Riley High School, VA   249  Samples, Luke   122        Smith, Joel   214          Tankersley, Erin   114
               Riley, Megan   269          Sampson, Tim   197          Smithson Valley High School, TX   94  Taranto, Alyssa   202
               Riley, Michelle   267       Samuel Clemens High School, TX   145  Snodgrass, Jodi   113  Tate, Dow   250, 276
               Riley, Taryn   243          San Marcos High School, CA   92, 106  Snyder, Kim   219  Taylor, Brian   84
               Ritch, Dacie   270          San Tan Foothills High School, AZ   216  SOAR High School, CA   217  Taylor, Charlotte   197
               Rito, Sarah   159           Sanders, Chloe   251        Sokolosky, Shirley   142   Taylor, Elizabeth   209
               River Bluff High School, SC   157  Sanders, Colleen   175  Sorensen, Ethan   256   Taylor High School, TX   142
               Riverside High School, SC   215  Sanderson High School, NC   216  Soule Road Middle School, NY   119  Taylor, Kristina   77
               Riverview Community High School,   Sandoval, Kara   136  South Milwaukee High School, WI   145  Teague, Stephen   123
                  MI   188                 Sandys, Micah   84          Southmoore High School, OK   126, 268  Teeple, Angela   211
               Robbinsville High School, NC   157  Sanger High School, CA   172  South O’Brien High School, IA   248,   Temeyer, Helen   95
               Roberts, Brent   275        Santa Fe High School, CA   93, 158  279                Templeton, Michelle   222
               Robinson, Emily   132       Santiago High School, CA   93, 217  South Point High School, NC   158  Tervort, Shae   118
               Rochelle Zell Jewish High School,    Sarcoxie High School, MO   264, 276,   Southport High School, IN   94  Tesoro High School, CA   127
                  IL   157                   279

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