Page 16 - Dunecrest AS_2024 Sample
P. 16

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                    Supervised by        Amid  the  echoes  of  impassioned  debates  and  the  whispers  of  global
            Michael Glavanis and Suzanne Ross
                                         diplomacy, our Model United Nations (MUN) Club orchestrated a remarkable

                                         conference, uniting more than 100 students from diverse backgrounds. This
                                         event  was  a  testament  to  the  power  of  dialogue,  fostering  not  only  an
                                         understanding  of  international  relations  but  also  a  sense  of  shared
           MUN                           responsibility in making our world a better place. Throughout the year, the

                                         Dunecrest MUN Club diligently honed their skills, preparing for this moment.
                                         They  researched,  practiced,  and  delved  into  the  intricacies  of  diplomacy,
                                         bringing  the  world  to  our  school.  This  conference  exemplified  their
              Model United               commitment to the values of the United Nations and showcased the potential
                    Nation               of young minds coming together for a common global purpose.
                                          - Adam Abu Ghaida, Secretary General

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             Officers (L to R): Myriam Benturqui, Deputy Secretary
            General, Tala Tayfour, Deputy Secretary General, Adam
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  Abu Ghaida, Secretary General, and Zaid Al Shoha,                                                    TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE

                               Deputy Secretary General


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