Page 24 - 2021 Look Book
P. 24
A theme should be relevant to the lives of students at the school, unify the yearbook
verbally and visually, and use details specific to the school and/or the year. Yearbooks
with strong theme development adhere to the guidelines below.
The cover provides a fresh concept Opening and closing sections are The title page, as the reader’s first
specific to the school during the one or more spreads after the inside impression of the yearbook,
current year. Applications, fonts, title page and before the parting and the parting page, as the
colors and graphics link to the page. Including the same design, reader’s last inside impression of
theme. Specifically: opening and closing sections the yearbook, reflect one another
• Cover includes visual and/or reinforce the theme with facts and in design and/or tone. Specifically:
verbal clues to the theme figures. Writing, photography and • Title page contains descriptive
• Spine includes school name, city, design demonstrate a common data about the school such
state, and volume number vision. Specifically: as location, web address,
• Cover has visual appeal • Opening copy explains theme in and/or student and staff
a compelling way population numbers
ENDSHEETS • Opening and closing photos • Last page reflects title page
Printed endsheets provide a and captions demonstrate design and ends the
smooth transition from the outside thematic elements yearbook’s story
of the yearbook to the inside. While • Closing is usually the same • Photos and captions on title
a table of contents is a traditional design and number of pages page and last page demonstrate
staple, the front endsheet may also as opening link to theme
serve as an opening spread and • Closing brings the theme to • Title page and last page
the back endsheet as a closing a conclusion contain visual and verbal
spread. Overall, the endsheet theme elements
provides a strong verbal and visual READER SERVICES
impression. Specifically: Table of Contents, page numbers, DIVIDER SPREADS
• Endsheets may be a plain index, and colophon all play an Spreads opening each yearbook
unprinted color important role in creating a fully section are a visual spin-off of
• If customized, endsheets reflect articulated theme. They are not the opening/closing spread(s)
the theme visually and verbally optional. Specifically: design. Divider spreads feature
• Front endsheets may introduce • Table of contents appears photographs and copy that
limited additional thematic early in yearbook, usually on link the theme to the upcoming
elements that were not on the endsheets or within the first section’s coverage. Specifically,
the cover few pages divider spreads:
• Front endsheets may include • Page numbers and folio art • Contain thematic elements,
table of contents or theme copy are consistent throughout the including photos, graphics
• Back endsheets may contain yearbook and copy
colophon or closing theme copy • Colophon contains facts about • Reflect opening/closing design
the publication, such as cover but with some variation
THEME COPY applications and the creation • Evidence design consistent with
Theme copy enlivens the concept program used all other divider spreads
through descriptive language. • Index lists all people, groups and
After reading the theme copy, topics in the yearbook
readers understand why the theme
was chosen for this yearbook, this
year. Specifically, theme copy:
• Contains details explaining
thematic link to school
and/or year
• Gives the theme personality
and life
• Is well-written and edited and
adheres to AP Style