Page 3 - _VPLC Charity Sale for GAC on June 18th, 2022
P. 3


                                                Chairperson: IPP Terry Lai
                                            Co-Chairperson: VP Eileen Cheng
                                                   Secretary Grace Hwo
                                              Deputy Secretary Jocelyn Wan

                                                 MEMBERS AT WORK

                 President Rita Fok, PP Teresa  Ng, PP Phyllis Li, Lion Alice Tu, Lion Karen Shimokura,
          PP Nancy Fong, PP Mimi Chan, Lion Jean Quon, Lion Misoon Kim, PP Susan Park, PP Heddy Wong

                                              MEMBERS’ DONATIONS

               IPP Terry Lai, PP Grace Hwo, Pres. Rita Fok, PP Teresa Ng, PP Phyllis Li, PP Nancy Fong,
                      Lion Jean Quon,  PP Margaret Kwok, Lion Elizabeth Cheng, PP Susan Park,
              Lion Valerie Wong, PP Heddy Wong, VP Eileen Cheng, Lion Jocelyn Wan, PP Shirley Choo,
                                              Lion Terry Mar, PP Mimi Chan

                                        APPRECIATION TO VOLUNTEERS

                      Davis (PP Phyllis hubby), Gus, Bonnie, Candace, Sarah, Macaulay, Michelle,
                       PP Nancy assisted to donate part of the unsold items to Dress for Success
                           PP Alec assisted to donate rest of the unsold items to Big Brothers

                                                  CASH DONATIONS
                                        Incoming President Eileen Cheng $500.00
                                                 VP Jocelyn Wan $500.00
                                                  PP Grace Hwo $400.00
                                                   IPP Terry Lai $200.00
                                                  PP Alec Wong $100.00
                                                 GUS (volunteer) $100.00

                                         APPRECIATION TO LIONS/LEOS
                    Zone Chairperson Kitty Lo paid a special trip and showed her support to our club
                                A8 ZC Raymond Wong for his quality pick of his trophies
                       PP Lily Cheung from Vancouver Arbutus Lions Club joined us as volunteer
                           PP Gary Lee & PP Josephine Lee from Vancouver East Lions Club
                           Leo Elaiza Ong, Metro Vancouver Leo Club helping us as volunteer


                             THE SUPPORT OF VANCOUVER EAST LIONS CLUB
                           for letting us using their den & offering all the pre-sale
                            set up and post sale clean up.  Thank you very much!

                                        OUR SALUTE TO PP ALEC WONG !

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