Page 4 - Sounds of Love - Poetry Antology XI-6
P. 4


                   Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

                   Thank God for the presence of the Divine Rabbi, the
               Most  Gracious,  the  Most  Merciful,  finally  the  book
               Anthology  of  Poetry  which  is  the  work  of  class  XI-6
               students of SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya can be published.
                   The  second  edition  of this  book  is  an  anthology  of
               poetry by class  XI-6  students entitled  "Sounds  of  Love".
               Hopefully, this work in the form of an anthology of poetry
               can  motivate  students  to  continue  writing,  conveying
               good  and  positive  ideas  and  thoughts.  So  that  it  can
               motivate,  inspire,  and  provide  benefits  for  writers  and

                   Apart  from  being  a  form  of  fulfilling  the  English
               Lesson Elective Program assignments, this paper is one of
               the  realizations  of  the  school  literacy  movement
               program. Hopefully this writing will be followed by other
               literacy works that will add to the collection of the SMA
               Negeri 2 Surabaya library. Thus, the presence of this book
               will add to the library collection and increase the sense
               of pride for the authors.

                   Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to
               our English Teacher of Class XI-6, Miki Hartono, S.Pd. who
               have  given  a  lot  of  guidance,  support,  and  trust.  And  I
               would  like  to  thank  my  intelligent  and  creative  writer

                               Poetry Anthology Class XI-6 SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya    III
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