Page 5 - August 20
P. 5
M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Starts September 6th
Wednesday Men’s Daytime Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, & Peace
Be Basic: Believing the Simple Truth of God’s Word Instructor: Jan Porter, Book Fee: $3
Starts Time: 11:00am Book Fee: $10 Location: Building A, 3 Floor Room 304
Instructor: Nate Norval, Instructor
Location: Building A, Choir Suite 2 floor Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a woman’s Soul
Instructor: Shenika Lewis, Book Fee: $12
Wednesday Women’s Daytime Location: Building A, 3 Floor Room 320
Fresh Wind Fresh Fire
Starts Time: 11:00 am Book Fee: $5 30 Life Principles for Singles: An Action Plan for Living the
Instructors: Vera McKissic/Carolyn Thornton Principles Each Day
Location: Building A, Conference Room 2 floor Instructor: Carolyn Thornton, Book Fee: $12
Zoom only (On campus space will be provided in room 305 for
Wednesday Nights 6:00PM those coming to church to bring children and those in need of
Embrace Grace Support Group fellowship with other singles.)
For girls/ladies with unexpected pregnancies
In-Person Only The Art of Marriage: Getting to the Heart of God’s Design
Embrace Grace is a 12-week program that provides emotional, Instructors: Joe and Crystal Hooks, Book Fee: $18 per couple
rd n
practical, and spiritual support for single, young pregnant women Location: Building A, 3 Floor Room 322
who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. We have an
amazing opportunity to teach them about God's love and grace. The Deeply Formed Life
For more information on Embrace Grace ministries, please Instructor: Pastor McKissic Book Fee: $12
visit If you know any women who Location:
would benefit from being a part of this ministry, please contact Root yourself in Christ and find balance, focus, and meaning in
Erica K. Perry at (708) 268-2708,, who is today's restless world! This class offers an antidote to the con-
heading up this group here at Cornerstone. stant noise and distraction surrounding us with this expansive
and interconnected vision of spiritual formation based on the five
Wednesday Nights 7:00PM key paths of monastic, multiracial, emotional, sexual, and mis-
On Our Knees sional values. **Please note: this class begins September 13.**
Instructor: Rosie Pea, Book Fee: $15
Location: Building A, 3 Floor Room 323 Mondays
The Power of a Praying Grandparent Coordinator: Sylvia Williams
Instructor: Veronica Griffith, Book Fee: $8 Are your children angry, hurt, and confused about your
Location: Building A, 3 Floor Room 316 separation or divorce? A DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) support
group is a safe, fun place where your children can learn skills
Who’s That Lady? The Church and Her Role that will help them heal. DC4K groups blend, games, music,
Instructor: Nate Norval, No Fee stories, videos and discussion to help kids process the divorce
Location: Building A, 3 Floor Room 318 and move forward. Group meets Monday at 6:00pm and is
designed for children ages 5-12.
Relationship Lessons from Ruth and Boaz
This class will be offered in person and on Zoom. Tuesdays (1 and 3 only)
Instructor: Rev. Cecil Cornelius, No Fee The Chat
Location: Building A, 3 Floor Room 321 Young Adults gather in the foyer of Building B, cafe style to
discuss relevant topics with a Biblical worldview.
Navigating Your Finances God’s Way
Instructor: Carl Sells, Book Fee: $9 Kingdom Men- Bible study for men only
Location: Building A, 3 Floor Room 303
To register for a class go to 5