Page 7 - March 9 2025
P. 7
M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
knowledge is a requirement, but anyone can learn! We will connect our sewing and quilting to a Bible study
designed to increase your creativity. There is a supply list that you will need for this class. This class is held in-
person only.
Instructor: Veronica Griffith (Limited to 15 students)
The Power of a Woman’s Words
Too often women fail to recognize the power of the words they speak. We know the Bible says death and life
are in the power of the tongue. But does that apply to how I speak to my spouse? My children? My boss? This
study will help you see the impact of what you say and give you biblical reasons to make that power positive.
Instructor: Sue Godwin Cost: $5
Living in Peace in a World of Conflict, A Practical Guide to Conflict Management
In The Peacemaker, Ken Sande presents practical biblical guidance for conflict resolution that takes you be-
yond resolving conflicts to true, life-changing reconciliation with family, coworkers, and fellow believers. The
Peacemaker is a practical and faithful primer for how obedience to God’s Word can change deadlock into res-
Instructor: Dale Jenkins Cost: $10
Embrace Grace
An unexpected pregnancy can be scary says Amy Ford, the author of Embrace Grace. Embrace Grace is a
twelve-week session with video teachings , discussions and a study guide to compliment the teachings each
week to help the expectant mother find the hope and support she needs to be brave and strong as she carries
her baby to term. This group meets at 6pm and not 7pm each Wednesday.
Instructor: Erica K. Perry
College/Career Class—Rev. Al Curley
Do you find reading the Bible intimidating? Do you want help in understanding what the text is saying? Join the
community of young people as they seek to better understand God’s Word.
Instructor: Rev. Al Curley
‘Stone Youth—7th to 12th Grades
Our youth ministry is for children in seventh to twelfth grades. This semes-
ter the theme of their lessons will be “Truth & Love.
Instructor: Rev. O’Rouke
This Bible based ministry is for children three years of age to sixth grade.
Weekly they are challenged to memorize Scripture verses that will stay with
them for a lifetime.