Page 10 - August 27
P. 10

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                                             The Sons of Daniel Mentoring Ministry was developed to provide guidance to
                                             young men in the 4 through the 12  grades, as they move through their years of
                                             adolescence. We focus on both, young men who have fathers, as well as young
                                             men who do not have fathers active in their lives.

                                             In the Sons of Daniel Ministry, the young men are divided into 3 groups:
                                              * Cubs (4-6 grades)     * Hunters (7-9 grades)      * Kings (10-12 grades)

                                             Each group is led by a team of godly male mentors. We seek to give each young
                                             man godly principles of manhood in hopes of providing a successful transition into
                                             adulthood. The mentor’s basic responsibility is to support the family in guiding the
                                             young men through the process of becoming a responsible adult.

                                                  Registration Is Opens!!! Text SOD24 To 8.7.468.0083 To Register!!!

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