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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                   Cornerstone Church
                        Arlington, TX
                         May 12, 2024                          Thank you for joining us to-

                                                               day. We count it an honor to
                   1 0 : 0 0 A M   S E R V I C E               have you worship in your
                                                               homes with us. If you are
                                                               watching us for the first time,
              Cornerstone’s Vision:                            please send us an email to
           Developing living stones inwardly,        
                                                               and let us know you
           outwardly, and corporately, making                  watched. Our staff will respond to you and assist you with
            disciples who make disciples for                   any questions you may have. Thank you for visiting us today!
                  Kingdom life God’s way.                      ~ Dr. & Mrs. Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr.

              Bereavement Reports

                      Iya Todd
          Uncle of: Fred (Veronica) Griffith
          1102 Carthage Way
          Arlington, TX 76017-6555

                Adella Frazier-Bay

         Grandmother of:  Erica Perry
         8806 Texas Risinger Dr.
         Fort Worth, TX 76123

         Great Grandmother of:
         Matthew, Maxwell & Mason Perry

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