Page 6 - March 2 2025
P. 6
M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Women’s Daytime Study
Praying the Names of God—This class for women is held at 11:00 am on Wednesday mornings in the confer-
ence room.
7:00pm Classes
How We Got the Bible
Have you ever wondered how we got the Bible we use today? Are you curious about why there are so many
different versions of the Bible. Pastor Cornelius will walk you through the history of the Bible.
Instructor: Rev. Cornelius
Preparing for Church Leadership
This leadership class is open to all members who have an interest in learning what it means to be a leader in
the church.
Instructor: Pastor McKissic
Ribology for Women
Ladies, this study is for you! Are you feeling the weight of endless responsibilities? Do you long to feel valued,
connected, and renewed in your walk with God? Join us for the Ribology Bible study, an eight-week journey
that speaks directly to the heart of women.
Instructor: Shenika Lewis
Foundations For Faith: Design for Discipleship
Who is God? What authority does God’s Word hold? What do you know about the Holy Spirit and spiritual war-
fare? Are you curious about the return of Christ? This study will help you with these basic doctrines of our faith.
Instructor: Vera McKissic & Connect Group Leaders
T-Shirt Quilting
Do you have a stash of t-shirts that you can’t part with? Are you ready to unleash your creative energy using
fabrics at hand? A t-shirt quilt or blanket can be a keepsake to: · Reminisce school days · Hold on to cherished
memories of a loved one · Honor someone or support an organization · Remember all of your Cornerstone t-
This class will teach the basics for completing a t-shirt quilt/blanket. A sewing machine and basic sewing