Page 17 - March 24 2024
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M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Galatians 5:24 says that those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions
and desires. The best way to conquer the flesh is to live in and by led by the Spirit. Jan Porter will in
four sessions, April 3, 10 and May 1, 8 lead you to discover what it means to have the fruit of patience,
kindness and goodness.
Living Like You Belong To God Veronica Griffith, Instructor Fee - $7
God calls us to a life of joy, obedience and trust. He calls us to be different from those around us. He
calls us to be holy. In this study, you will discover that holiness is not an arbitrary standard within
today's church or an unreachable goal of sinless perfection. Holiness is about pleasing God - living in
such a way that it's clear you belong to Him. Holiness is what makes you unique as a believer in Jesus
Christ. Come explore the beauty of holy living and see why true holiness and true happiness always go
5 Love Languages: Singles Edition Byron Kinchen, Instructor Fee - $12
Although originally written for married couples, its concepts have proven applicable to families, friends,
and even coworkers. The premise is simple: Each person gives and receives love in a certain
language, and speaking it will strengthen that relationship. For singles, that means you can:
• Understand yourself and others better
• Grow closer to family, friends, and others you care about
• Gain courage to express your emotions and affection
• Discover the missing ingredient in past relationships
• Date more successfully and more
Whether you want to be closer to your parents, reach out more to your friends, or give dating another
try, The 5 Love Languages: Singles Edition will give you the confidence you need to connect with
others in a meaningful way. “Nothing has more potential for enhancing one’s sense of well-being than
effectively loving and being loved. This book is designed to help you do both of these things
Sheet Music For Married Couples
Jermont & Mitchiko Jackson, Instructors Fee: $14 one book / $25 for 2 books
With his characteristic warmth and humor, Dr. Kevin Leman offers a practical guide to sex according to
God's plan. This frank and practical book is a perfect resource for married couples. Dr. Leman
addresses a wide spectrum of people, from those with no sexual experiences to those with past sexual
problems or even abuse. Using frank descriptions, this book has a warm and friendly tone that will help
couples overcome awkwardness in discussing an issue important to all married couples.
Women’s Daytime Study 11:00 am Wednesdays Vera McKissic, Instructor
What’s Next? The Journey to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference.
Book study by Chris Hodges. This class is already in session but you are welcome to join in person or
on Zoom.