Page 6 - July 2
P. 6

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           What questions do you have about the Bible? Do you wonder what certain Scriptures mean? Do you have questions
           about divorce, healing, parenting, prayer, or absolutely any topic you can think of? Is there a topic or message you would
           like hear more about? Well, we have you covered here at the Stone. We will address the questions and topics YOU want
           to hear about on Wednesday nights. You must submit your questions or subject matter during the month of April in order
           for Pastor and staff to be adequately prepared. You can complete the question form by clicking here, text a question to
           us at 817.468.0083, or email us at We’re looking forward to addressing the topics on your
           heart and mind.

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