Page 491 - Green - Maritime Archaeology: A Technical Handbook. 2nd ed
P. 491
Water dredge, in excavation components, 255, 257 disadvantages, 257–258 with flexible tube, 257f working end, 256f
Water jet, in excavation, 258
Water pressure, in HPASS survey of HMS
Pandora, 136–138
Water probe, in excavation, 258 Westerwaldware jug, reconstruction, 334f Wire-frame objects, Rhino images, 209f Wooden Ship Building and the
Interpretation of Shipwrecks, 4
Work platforms, for excavations, 246–251,
Wreck registers, in archival research, 15 Wreck sites
Amsterdam, 82, 159, 160f, 161, 350 Atocha, 403
Batavia, 3, 264f, 265, 268f–270f, 275f, 276f,
285f, 286f, 330f, 359, 361f, 362f Bismark, 60
Breadalbane, 60
Bronze Age wreck site, 402
Cape Andreas, 162,
code of ethics, 10
Correio da Azia, 56f, 211 Geldermalsen, 6
Gelidonya, 356
HMS Bounty, 132
HMS Hood, 60
HMS Pandora, 85, 132–136f, 136–138f,
138–142, 173f, 238, 263f HMS Sydney, 85
relocation with transits, 28–29
Santa Maria de la Rosa, 161
Santo Antonio de Tanna, 93f, 183f, 238,
Sapporo Maru, 79, 80f
Tektash, 186–187f, 193, 194f, 202f, 203f,
239f, 246f, 254f Titanic, 60
Trial, 19–20
Trinidad Valencera, 278 unusual material, 4 Vergule Draeck, 248f Wasa, 8, 9, 224f, 361, 365f Xantho, 265f
Zeewijk, 97f, 250f Zuytdorp, 266f
Wreck trails
for CRM, 379, 382–383 examples, 380f
Writing for publication computer vs. handwriting, 393 constructive criticism, 393 figures and plates, 394
report types, 392–393 structure, 393
style, 394
Writing slates, recording in excavation, 260 Written history, in post-excavation research,
Wrought iron, in excavation, 262
Xantho wreck site, thermal lance for excavation, 265f
X-calipers, for jar and pot measurements, 301f
X-ray, Pandora pistol concretion, 263f Y
Yatra Dhoni, line drawing, 320f Z
Zeewijk wreck site trilateration, 97f work platforms, 250f
Zuytdorp wreck site, 266f
HMS Torrens, 71
investigation techniques, 4
James Matthews, 101–105f, 183f, 238, 240,
Ko Kradat, 237f, 241f, 249f Koombana, 85
Kyrenia, 158–159f, 159–162f, 239f, 248f,
360f, 361
location during archival research, 14–15 Lossen, 121
Margarita, 403
Mary Rose, 8, 82, 118, 121, 233, 361, 364f moment of sinking, 4–5
Pattaya, 168f