Page 242 - Dutch Asiatic Shipping Volume 1
P. 242
Explanatory notes:
1620-21: 1621 -22: 1622- 23: 1623- 24: 1624- 25:
1625- 26: 1626-27:
1,320,000 of this in reals and 60,000 in silver bars.
The silver in reals, at 50 stuivers apiece.
Of the silver 30,000 in schellingen.
The gold in Hungarian ducats, the silver: 100,000 in reals, 160,000in rijksdaalders, 100,000 in leeuwendaalders, 100,000 in
Circa 2/3 in leeuwendaalders, 1/3 inpayement.
Ofthegold: 128,000 in Hungarian ducats (at fl 4.25), 204,000 in bars. Silver: 140,000 in reals (at fl 2.50), 128,000in leeuwendaalders (fi 2.00apiece).
An estimate - the given amount of2,440,000 also includes trade goods.
200,000 in gold, the remainder in silver.
Not specified.
In reals, rijksdaalders, leeuwendaalders and payement and some gold.
Not specified.
An estimate, the resolution mentions 1,400,000 in currency and trade goods.
1630- 31:
1631- 32:
1632- 33:
1633- 34:
1634- 35:
1635-36 and 1637-38: Conformable to the demand, 200,000 in reals, 60,000 in rijksdaalders and 40,000 in payement. 1638-39: 500,000 of this in reals and 100,000 inpayement.
1639-40: Not specified.
VOC 100, res. Heren 17, Sep. 1620 (f. 546-547), Feb. 1621 (f. 571), April 1621 (f. 580); VOC 147, id. July 1621 (item 4), Aug. 1622 (item 3), 16 Oct. 1623, Sep./Oct. 1624 (item 10), Dec. 1625 (item 3), Mar. 1626 (item 3), Aug. 1626 (item 3 and 9), Oct. 1626 (item 2), July/Aug. 1627 (item 5), July 1628 (item 7), Oct. 1628, Aug. 1629 (item 2), July 1630 (item 8); V O C 101, id. Nov. 1631 (item 9), Sep. 1632 (item 14), Sep. 1633 (item 5), Aug. 1634 (item 3), 12.11.1635, Sep. 1636 (item 3), Sep. 1637 (item 3), Aug. 1638 (item 3), Aug. 1639 (item 4); VOC 314, Letters Heren 17 to G.G. en R., 1.11.1624, f. 214; Colenbrander, Jan Pietersz. Coen I, 671, 728, 757, 785; IV , 441, 469, 478, 507, 514, 517, 519, 568; V , 776-778, 790, 792, 798, 812, 855; Coolhaas, Generale Missiven I, 590, 655.