Page 18 - The Wreck of the Dutch East India Company Ship Haarlem in Table Bay 1647 and the Establishment of the Tavern of the Seas
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2016 indicated some very promising signs and once the required permits are in place
the search for the wreck will continue.
Dr Bruno Werz, once the youngest diver on the Mary Rose project, introduced scientific maritime archaeological research to southern Africa in 1988. Previously a senior lecturer at the University of Cape Town, he is currently CEO of the African Institute for Marine & Underwater Research, Exploration & Education (AIMURE) (, as well as research associate at the Department of Historical and Heritage Studies, University of Pretoria. In 2010 he was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London for his services to maritime archaeology and history.
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—, ‘In search of the Nieuw Haarlem’ in R. Guleij and G. Knaap (eds.), The Dutch East India
Company Book (Zwolle, 2017), 61-3
—, The ‘Haarlem’ shipwreck (1647): the origins of Cape Town (Pretoria, forthcoming)
—, W. Steenkamp and M. Prowse, ‘The United Dutch East India Company (VOC) ship Haarlem
(1647): Searching for a symbolic shipwreck in Table Bay’ South African Journal of Science (forthcoming)

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