Page 69 - Wine Importers Online Product List 2018
P. 69


          All purchases made by the customer from us will be on these Terms & Conditions.

          This list is subject to stock being unsold, and to duty, market and currency fluctuations.

          All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.

          Payment terms: Net cash with payment of one month from date of invoice. If credit terms have
          not been agreed, payment is required in advance of delivery.

          Payment Methods: We accept Direct Debit, Cheque, BACS Payments and Debit Cards.

          Breakages: All breakages, short deliveries or defective goods must be notified to us, together with
          full details of the alleged defects immediately upon the customer becoming aware of the same.
          Save in the case of death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or fraudulent

          misrepresentation. Our sole liability to you arising in connection with our supply of goods to you
          will be the replacement of the relevant goods or the reimbursement by us of all sums paid by you
          in respect of the relevant goods.

          Small delivery charge: Orders of less than 3 dozen bottles may incur a £10 ex VAT per
          consignment delivery charge.

          Uplift/return of goods: We retain the right to deduct 10% of the credit value of any goods
          requested to be uplifted or returned to cover the additional costs involved. Any uplift charges may

          be charged at cost. We also retain the right not to accept back for credit any stock that has
          damaged labels or is not current vintage.

          Retention of title: Title to goods supplied by Wine Importers Ltd shall not pass to the cus-tomer

          until payment has been received in full, and until such payment is made the customer shall hold
          the goods, and all items incorporating the goods, as Trustees for the company, and must store
          them in such a way as to maintain them in good condition. The goods must be identifiable as the

          property of the company, Wine Importers Ltd.
          In the event of non-payment, the company shall be entitled in addition to all rights to enter into
          any premises where the goods may be and recover possession of them.

          Legal action:  In the event that legal action is required to recover an overdue account, the debtor

          will be liable for all fees incurred.

          We retain the right to charge interest at 2% above the current bank rate to any overdue

          We retain the right to charge £10.00 per returned cheque.

          Data Protection Act - We will monitor and record information relating to your trade credit

          performance and such records will be made available to other organisations
          to assess applications for credit.


               Tel: 01506 468 900               Email:                                                                          68
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