Page 5 - Wine Importers Wholesale List 2018
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Riesling Trocken 'Solitär' Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio,
SA Prum Marquis De Goulaine Castel Firman
Mosel, Germany Val de Loire, France Alto Adige, Italy
A firm favourite since we introduced The oldest winery in the world still in Mezzacorona is one of the most
it on the list. Only grown on the production, an amazing fact! A forward looking wineries having
high quality slopes from the estate balanced Loire Sauvignon, almost as modernised to make the best
of this famous wine family, giving a good as Sancerre. wine possible. Amongst the stars
delicate and fresh wine. is this Pinot Grigio which proves
that is grape can be complex and
interesting .
Sauvignon Blanc, Santenay 1er Cru
Hunters 'Les Gravières' Blanc,
Marlborough, New Zealand Domaine Jessiaume
One of the original Pioneers of Burgundy, France
Marlborough, planting way back Owned by a Scottish Family, this is
before it was fashionable. Also top notch Burgundy. From their
regarded nowadays among the own vineyard holdings in the best
best, as their awards show. 1er cru of the village.
Tel: 01506 438 900 Email: 4